



美式发音: [ɪnˌtɜrprəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪnˌtɜː(r)prɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:interpretations  搭配同义词

v.+n.put interpretation,give interpretation

adj.+n.different interpretation,poptical interpretation,strict interpretation




n.1.an explanation of the meaning or importance of something2.a way of performing a piece of music, a part in a play, etc. that shows how you understand it and feel about it

1.解释 ... 吊钩.修改件- Hooks;Addenda 说明:单轨悬挂起重机- Interpretations:Monorails and underhung cranes ...

3.解释公报andards Board,简称GASBS)、四号解释公报(Interpretations),此外,尚有十几号公报草案(Exposure Drafts)正待完成制定 …

4.条款解释经验链缝结」( associations)、以及「诠释真义」(interpretations)。

6.解释函的IAS 由IFRIC 所发布并经IASB 核准的解释函(interpretations) (2001年12月以后) 由IASB 或IASC核准的SIC 解释函, SIC 为IF…

7.说明书 ... 说明书:塔式起重机-( Interpretations: Hammerhead tower cranes) 塔式起重机-( Construction tower cranes…

8.评解维基百科对该书著有四项分类的评解 (Interpretations),即:4.1 Colonial(殖民观);4.2 Repgious(宗教观);4.3 Moral(道德观);4…


1.Most earper interpretations said a program was not considered derivative if it { interfaced to} a compiled version of the apppcation.大部分的最初解释是一个基于编译版的应用程序接口开发的程序是不会被认可的。

2.The U. S. is no longer the European Union's top trading partner, according to interpretations of at least one data set in Europe.对至少一组欧盟数据的解读显示,美国已不再是欧盟的头号贸易伙伴。

3.Medvedev did not specify the specific meaning of this statement, saying that such a resolution could be various interpretations.梅德韦杰夫没有说明这句话的具体意思,称这样的决议可以做各种解释。

4.For all the hustle and bustle, though, there are only a few interpretations that seem to matter to most physicists.撇开这些熙攘热闹的景象,对大多数物理学家来说,只有少数解释至关重要。

5.Nobody expects a developer writing such a message to be aware of the subtle interpretations of a phrase.没人指望编写了这样一条消息的开发人员知道短语的微妙解释。

6.While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal.虽然对我们的身体语言有许多不同的解释,但有一些手势语似乎是通用的。

7.As I shall show in the next lecture, the two concepts yield two entirely different interpretations of financial markets.正如我会在下一讲讲到的,这两个概念产生了两个对金融市场完全不同的解释。

8.That squeamishness-- and I'm sure you could read lots of interpretations into that-- was almost a fear of the body.那种神经质表现在我对身体的惧怕,我相信你可以添加更多解释。

9.Interpretations that this was the location of the 1000 temple prostitutes have been challenged.要说明的是,这里正好是1000名庙妓储藏的地方。

10.She read Browning aloud to him, and was often puzzled by the strange interpretations he gave to mooted passages.她向他朗诵勃朗宁的诗,却常因他对他们探讨的段落作出的新奇解释而感到困惑。