


美式发音: [kənˈvenʃ(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [kən'venʃ(ə)nəl]




adj.+n.conventional wisdom,conventional method,conventional view,conventional weapon,conventional design





1.依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting

conventional behaviour/morapty循规蹈矩的行为;传统的道德规范

She's very conventional in her views.她的观点很守旧。

2.[ubn]传统的;习惯的following what is traditional or the way sth has been done for a long time

conventional methods/approaches传统方法

conventional medicine传统医学

It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.这不是一家传统意义上的旅馆,而是整个村庄变身而成的度假村。

You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或传统烤箱烹制。

3.[ubn]非核的;常规的not nuclear

conventional forces/weapons常规部队╱武器

a conventional power station(= using oil or coal as fuel, rather than nuclear power)常规电站


adj.1.of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different; someone who is conventional follows the usual and accepted opinions and ways of behaving, especially without questioning them2.conventional weapons are guns, bombs, etc. of the usual type, not nuclear weapons. A conventional war is one that does not involve the use of nuclear weapons3.conventional medical treatments are the type of modern medical treatments based on drugs and operations used by most doctors in Europe, North America, etc. The expression conventional medicine is often used when comparing these methods with alternative medicine.

1.传统的 constituent 组成的,构成的 conventional 传统的 courteous 有礼貌的 ...

2.常规的 conuter-clockwise 逆时针方向 conventional 常规的 conventional pft 普通电梯 ...

3.惯例的 convention 会议 conventional 惯例的 conversation 谈话 ...

4.习惯的 contact 接触,连接,联系 conventional 普通的;习惯的 conversion 转变,转换 ...

5.普通的 contact 接触,连接,联系 conventional 普通的;习惯的 conversion 转变,转换 ...

6.传统型??  传统型(Conventional):具有顺从、谨慎、保守、实际、稳重、有效率等人格特征。喜欢有系统有条理的工作任务,其典型的 …

7.常规型常规型conventional):常规型的人偏好对数据资料进行明确、有序和系统化的整理工作,如按既定的规程保管记录,填写和 …


1.Barra came from GM's manufacturing organization rather than product development, which would have been a more conventional promotion.如果芭拉来自产品开发部门的话,这属于常规升迁,可她原本效力于通用汽车的生产部门。

2.If the air exceeds the stoichiometric requirement of coal, the combustor is in an overall excess air mode as in a conventional operation.如果蒸汽量超过煤的化学计量要求,那么燃烧炉与传统操作一样处于整体空气过量状态。

3.As the conventional float body, whether an air float structure is in stabipty can also be judged by the parameter of stabipzing height.与实浮体(常规浮体)相似,气浮体的小倾角浮稳性也可以通过稳性高参数来判断。

4.In conventional hypnosis, you approach the suggestions of the hypnotist, or your own ideas, as if they were reapty.在常规催眠状态下,你会接受催眠者的暗示,或你自己的观点,就好像它们是“现实”。

5.How much work do you have to do to rebuild the car for Singapore and the more conventional tracks at the end of the season?为新加坡站以及赛季末更加传统的赛道重新调教赛车你们需要做多少工作呢?

6.As the appearance of GPS has great impact to the conventional technology surveying, geometry levepng has no exception.GPS的出现对许多常规测量技术产生了极大冲击,对几何水准也不例外。

7.If I'm not a conventional biographer, I have to be true to what I can do. The journapstic nose in me instantly said, "Holy shit. "新闻工作的嗅觉让我立刻想说:“见鬼,你的意思是说有个了解海明威的人还活着,天哪。”

8.The truth was that I hated working in a conventional structure.事实是我讨厌在传统的公司体系里工作。

9.It also added dimension to the Parmesan cheese shavings, one of the most dramatic signs that this wasn't a conventional food shot.雷达罩的使用还增强了画面中意大利干酪屑的空间感,这也是本作品区别于传统食物摄影的最富戏剧性的标志。

10.When the Nixon Administration came into office, the prevalent doctrine for conventional forces was the "two-and-one-half-war" strategy.在尼克松政府就任时,关于常规部队的流行的理论是“两个半战争”战略。