


美式发音: [heɪtə(r)] 英式发音: [heɪtə(r)]





1.怀恨者 hate 恨, 憎恨 hater 怀恨者 hate pke poison 恨之入骨, 深恶痛绝 ...


3.黑特 罗宾汉 Robin Hood 黑特 Hater 巨星 满人;叶玮庭 Superstar ...

4.怀恨在心者 ... undermine: 渐渐破坏,暗中破坏 hater: 仇恨者,怀恨在心者 jerk: 笨蛋,傻瓜 ...


6.的人 ... Twitter + Issues 应用存在的问题。 twitter + hater 的人。 Twitter + Literature 上的文学著作。 ...

7.憎恶者角色:爱人(Lover);所爱之敌(Beloved Enemy);憎恶者(Hater)内容:相互为盟的爱人与憎恶者对所爱之敌有截然相对之态度。

8.见不得别人好的仇恨者当然此话一出,健美网站中一些「见不得别人好的仇恨者」(hater)又开始大肆嘲讽攻击Chris。然而他也公开宣称随时接受挑 …


1.I never been a hater still I love them, in a crazy way.我从不嫉妒别人我仍然爱着他们以一种疯狂的方式

2.Oh yeah, the Rockets had a good game today, so Yao is the greatest. . . . I'm not a Yao hater, just a Yao realest , he's not the best. . .是的,火箭今天打了一场精彩的比赛,同样,姚明是最伟大的,我不是一个憎恨姚明的人,只是姚明真的,他不是最好的…

3.He made me free from my strong hater, and from those who were against me, because they were stronger than I.他救我脱离我的劲敌,和那些恨我的人。因为他们比我强盛。

4.John is such a hater. He's always trying to ruin my good mood.约翰就是这样一个不怀好意的人。他总是要破坏我的好心情。

5.The desire of the hater of work is death to him, for his hands will do no work.懒惰人的心愿将他杀害,因为他手不肯做工。有终日贪得无餍的;义人施舍而不吝惜。

6."An honest hater is often a better fellow than a cool friend" (John Stuart Blackie).“一个恨你但是诚实的人常常比一个漠不关心的朋友更好”(约翰·斯图亚特·布莱基)。

7.But she turned out to be a vitriopc Tory-hater ( "I remember what the Tories did in the '80s. . . " ).但她却是一反常态地厌恶保守党(“我可记得保守党在八十年代的作为……”)。

8.The angry man wants his victims to feel his anger; the hater does not mind whether they feel or not.愤怒的人想让他的牺牲品感到自己的愤怒,仇恨者并不关心他们是否感受到。

9.Even I, the most foolhardy, unrelenting hater, felt that it might not be fair to blame the guy for his offensive remarks about me.即使是我,最莽撞的,无情的仇恨者,也感觉为他那些严厉的批评而责怪他,可能会有些不公平。

10.a guy with hate in his eyes ? a woman - hater.有什么人眼睛里带着仇恨?恨女人的人?