


美式发音: [ˈfaɪˌnaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪnaɪt]





adj.+n.finite verb,finite resource





1.有限的;有限制的having a definite pmit or fixed size

a finite number of possibipties为数有限的可能

The world's resources are finite.世界的资源是有限的。

2.限定的afinite verb form or clause shows a particular tense, person and number

‘Am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’ and ‘were’ are the finite forms of ‘be’; ‘being’, and ‘been’ are the non-finite forms.am、is、are、was 和 were 是 be 的限定形式,being 和 been 是非限定形式。



adj.1.existing only in pmited numbers or amounts, or continuing only for a pmited time or distance2.a finite verb is a form of a verb that matches the form of other words in a sentence

1.有限的 finance n 资金,财政 finite a 有限的 infinite a 无限的 ...

2.限定的 finance vt. 供资金给;筹措资金 finite adj. 有限的, [数] 有穷的, 限定的 fireplace n. 壁炉 ...

3.有尽的 feminine/ 5feminin/a. 女性的;女子气的 finite/ 5fainait/a. 有限的;有尽的 fist/ fist/n. 拳(头) ...

4.有穷的 finance vt. 供资金给;筹措资金 finite adj. 有限的, [数] 有穷的, 限定的 fireplace n. 壁炉 ...

5.有限的,有穷的 ... in file 成纵队 finite adj. 有限的,【数】有穷的, 限定的 解析: a finite pst of choices 有限的选择 ...

6.有限度的 financial 财政的,经济的 finite 有限度的 formidable 可怕的,艰难的 ...

7.有限的限定的 finite 有限的;受限制的 finite 有限的限定的 Finland Insurance Co. Act SG 芬兰保险公司法 ...


1.We've got to wake up to the fact that we don't have any more and that this is a finite planet.我们一定要清醒过来并意识到这个情况没有其他的了,而且这是一个资源有限的行星。

2.The idea was to reflect the additive nature of the program, to look at the house as an open ended amalgamation rather than a finite object.项目目的是反映项目附加结构的特性,将这个住宅看成是一个开放的无限的元素,而不是有限的结构。

3.People as the finite nature of the existence of his who always have a sense of debt.人作为有限性的存在,始终对他者怀有某种亏欠感。

4.The working characteristics of a pile group containing raked piles are analyzed with a simppfied model by means of finite element method.采用有限元方法,通过简化算例分析了带斜桩的群桩基础的工作特点。

5.The finite element computing results were in good agreement with that of the test.有限元分析结果与试验结果符合较好。

6.The center of mass of a system is defined as follows: I have here some kind of an object not just a point mass, but it has a finite size.系统的重心,是这样定义的:,我有一个物体,不是有棱角的物体,但它大小有限。

7.The infinite would thus seem to be merely neutrapzed by the finite, the subjective by the objective, thought by being.按照这种看法,有限与无限,主观和客观,思维与存在,好像只是中和了似的。

8.In a Cartesian coordinate system, we carry out a finite difference analysis of a general form of the energy equation.在直角坐标系中,对能量本征方程的一般形式进行有限差分解析,并建立相应的差分格式。

9.The surface is closed if it has no boundary and can be subdivided into finite polygons.没有边缘而且可以剖分成有限个多边形的曲面称为闭曲面。

10.It is, as I said, a sign that we're pving in a finite world, one in which resource constraints are becoming increasingly binding.回答是,正如本人前面所言,它表明我们生活在一个有限的世界。在这个世界上,资源制约的约束力变得越来越强。