




1.与…交谈 consultation with 与…协商 conversation with 与…交谈 chat with 与…闲谈 ...

2.与…谈话 ... last: 最后的、末尾的 conversation with: 与…谈话 anger: 激怒、愤怒 ...

3.与一只猫的对话 ... 奕 - Chess of pfe. 与一只猫的对话 - Conversation with a... 迟未收到的信 - Une lettre qui tarde. ...

4.在跨领域观点中与对话 ... 在跨领域观点中与「语言」对话 Conversation with 那时候,我们都年青 One Day,When We Were Youn…


1.She turned her head away and breaking into conversation with her friend, walked on with a very good assumption of supreme indifference.她转过头去,一边走着,一边与她的女伴聊天,装出一副完全无动于衷的逼真样子。

2.It was considered a sign of favor when he called someone up to the front, although conversation with him flowed rather thinly.谁被他叫到最前面去,这也是一种恩宠,尽管同他聊不上几句。

3.So she turned the conversation with her mother to, 'Please do it for me, Mom, because I'm worried about you. '因此,芭芭拉采取另一种说服策略,她对母亲说:“帮我个忙吧,妈妈,因为我担心你。”

4.It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.就在这里,坐在餐厅里,尝试着和七个好奇的陌生人对话的时候,我第一次见到他们。

5.She gave him a full account of her conversation with the doctor.她把她与医生的谈话都一五一十地告诉了他。

6.After having a long conversation with one of my matches about how much I hate my job, I decided to meet up with him.我和其中的一个匹配者聊了很久,我向他抱怨说我非常不喜欢我的工作,后来我们决定见面。

7.Casually drop BitTorrent into a conversation with a studio executive, and observe as they choke back their rage.随便跟一个录音室主管谈谈BitTorrent,看看他们是怎么气得说不上话的。

8.RECENTLY I had a conversation with a male friend, a reporter in his mid-20s, about how hard it is to ask for money and negotiate for raises.我朋友一位20多岁的男记者,最近我们谈了关于向老板要钱和要求升职有多难的问题。

9.It wasn't easy for her to recover from the emotional trauma. But thankfully, a conversation with Tzu Chi volunteer changed her pfe around.要走出伤痛对她来说很不容易,好几年她一直挣扎想自杀,幸好在和慈济志工谈过后,改变了她的人生。

10.But it also might be hard to get into a serious conversation with him, which can be frustrating.但在此同时,严肃地与他交流可能不是件易事,这通常让人沮丧不已。