




1.高级文化我国学者浦小君又把文化细分三种:高级文化(high-culture):政治、哲学、文化艺术。深层文化(deep-c):价值观念、思维方式 …


1.It was a time of high culture, when great cathedrals were built and renowned universities were founded.当时文化盛行,兴建了不少大教堂,创办了几多著名学府。

2.Because of these women, conspicuous consumption lost some of its status, just as high birth and high culture had previously.由于这些女人的存在,炫耀消费失去了某些地位,正如早先的高贵出身和高雅文化一样。

3.Zhang, one of the country's few high-culture filmmakers proven to have mass appeal.张艺谋是为数不多拥有大众吸引力的文艺片电影制作人之一。

4.Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an epte using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true.安东尼·伯吉斯曾有一个噩梦般的想法,统治阶层会将高雅文化作为“惩罚性的一记耳光”施于素质低下的青年,现在这个想法变成了事实。

5.Sassoon planned to give the marketing of Mona Lisa one paragraph as, he says, an example of how an artefact of high culture can become pop.萨松打算让营销蒙娜丽莎的一个段落,他说:一个例子说明如何手工高文化可以成为流行。

6.As the cream of language, idioms reveal directly popular culture and high culture, and in a profound way, the deep culture.在大众文化和高等文化的基础上,深层文化才能得以发展。

7.The other tries to discovery a set of the feasible movement of the high culture merging.另一方面为南通大学等同类合并高校探索出一套切实可行的校园文化整合的措施。

8.The mausoleum of Ulysses S. Grant, this building exemppfies the presence of social institutions and high culture in Morningside Height.这座尤利塞斯男子格兰特的陵墓,代表了当时的社会制度以及高度发展的文化水平。

9.The company is larger in the West of reapation, the dominant products of high culture.公司是西部较大的造纸企业,主导产品为中高档文化用纸。

10.Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were.后来,我明白了,民主大众其实是多么地排斥高雅文化!