



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌvɜrt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnvɜː(r)t]




第三人称单数:converts  现在分词:converting  过去式:converted  同义词





v.1.to change from one system, use, or method to another, or to make something do this2.to change your bepefs, especially your repgious bepefs, or to persuade someone to do this3.to make a conversion in football

n.1.someone who has changed their bepefs in an important way

1.更换信仰的 convertinstruction 变符号指令 converted 更换信仰的 converted 修改的 ...

2.转换的 convert v. 转换,变换 converted a. 转换的,变换的 coprocessor n. 协同处 …

3.转变 converted wave 转换波 converted 改装的 converter circuit 变频器电路 ...


6.转化 Controlled 控制 Converted 转化 Convinced 使信服 ...

7.转换的变换的 ... 810. queue v. & n. 排队队列 813. converted a. 转换的变换的 814. common a. 公用的 ...


1.It is said that saint Paul converted to Christianity after seeing the fantastic transformed image of Jesus on his way to Damascus.据说,圣徒保罗在去大马士革的路上看见耶稣幻化的令人眩目的形象后便皈依了基督教。

2.There was still fire enough to allow of their being put out of shape, and converted into a sort of unrecognizable bar of metal.火力还够大,很容易使它们失去原来的形状,烧成不能辨认的银块。

3.For values of other types, the conversion is the same as if the value would have been converted to integer and then to float.对于其它类型的值,其情况类似于先将值转换成整型,然后再转换成浮点。

4.DNS servers allowed Internet users to type in an easy-to-remember domain name and then converted it to the IP address automatically.DNS服务器使互联网用户可以输入一个容易记住的域名,然后它会自动将它转换成IP地址。

5.Constructor, where the name of each value is converted to a string, and the ordinal setting represents a one-up value for each setting.构造函数中,在这里,每个值的名称都被转换成一个字符串,并且序数设置表示了每个设置的优先值。

6.As a result, the page can be easily converted into a Tapestry component, as you ll see in the next section.所以,页面可以容易地转化成Tapestry组件,下一节就会看到。

7.When Karima was 12, her father spilled a pan of boipng oil on her after she told him she had converted from Islam to Cathopcism.在她12岁那一年,KarimaElMahroug告诉父亲她退出伊斯兰教改信天主教了,结果父亲把一锅滚烫的油撒到了她身上。

8.A few years ago lasers typically converted less than 40% of the electrical energy used to run them into beam power.几年前激光器一般可以把维持本身运作不到40%的电能转化为可传送能源。

9.It took more energy to start spinning with her arms extended, so as she draws them in, that extra energy is converted into faster spinning.如果他展开双臂来开始旋转这会耗掉她很多力气。因此,她把手向上伸,这样额外的能量会转化为更快的旋转。

10.Therefore, our my-if statement has no runtime overhead whatsoever -- it is converted to a simple if at runtime.因此,我们的my-if语句没有运行时开销——它在运行时转换为一个简单的if。