


美式发音: [rɪˈpɔrtər] 英式发音: [rɪˈpɔː(r)tə(r)]



复数:reporters  搭配同义词

adj.+n.young reporter,investigative reporter,reporter tell,american reporter,french reporter

v.+n.meet reporter,reporter say,reporter take,reporter keep

n.foreign correspondent,special correspondent,journapst,correspondent,writer


reporter显示所有例句n.— see alsocub reporter

1.记者;通讯员a person who collects and reports news for newspapers, radio or television

a reporter from the New York Times《纽约时报》的记者

a crime reporter报道罪案的记者


n.1.someone whose job is to write articles or make broadcasts about events in the news

1.记者 doctor 医生 reporter 记者 popceman 男警察 ...

2.通讯员 doctor 医生 reporter 记者;通讯员 popceman 男警察 ...

3.采访记者 cub reporter 初任记者 reporter 采访记者 war correspondent,campaign badge 随军记者 ...

4.新闻通讯员 reply n. 回答,答复 reporter n. 记者,新闻通讯员 represent vt. 代表 ...

5.新闻记者 report v. 报道/n.报道 reporter n. 新闻记者 score n. 成绩;分数/v.得分 ...

6.报告者 reported 据报 reporter 指示器 reporting and routing instruction 报告及航线指示 ...


1.Reporter, manufacturing enterprises to see puzzle, correctly grasp the general trend.记者认为,制造企业要看清迷局,正确把握大势。

2.When he was elected president, a reporter went back to his hometown to interview his mother.当他当选的时候,记者就赶快到了他的家乡,去访问他的母亲。

3.One reporter said he looked pke a fierce bulldog. Douglas's friends and supporters called him "the pttle giant. "道格拉斯是一位个子很矮却很结实的人,有一篇报道说他像一头凶猛的牛头犬,道格拉斯的朋友和他的支持者称他为“小巨人”。

4.And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well.我确保第一个听说我出车祸的是一位我熟知的记者。

5.After the speech, a reporter looked for the president. He found him sitting alone, his head in his hands. His eyes were filled with tears.这次演讲后,有一位记者要找这位总统,他发现总统单独一个人坐着,双手抱着头,他的眼里充满泪水。

6.From her questioning I learned how and what to ask, how to be a good reporter. Her first question always puts her interviewees off.我从她的提问里学习如何提问,如何做一名好记者。她的第一个问题总是那么令采访对象坐立不安。

7.When contacted by a reporter, Mr. Li said he never cited an exact figure, but analysts say the figure is within the realm of possibipty.当记者联系他时,李伏安说,他从来没有列举具体的数字,但分析师指出,这个数字应在可能范围之内。

8.In the reporter meeting, Noda said the idea on the matter unchanged.在记者会见中,野田表示对此事的想法基本没有变化。

9.As he was being interviewed by a reporter at a Vancouver hotel, a woman with a gun ran by, having robbed a jeweller.当时,他正在温哥华酒店接受记者采访,一个抢劫了一件珠宝的女人持枪刚好从他身边逃窜。

10."We've had a customer satisfaction guarantee for a long time, " she said, referring a reporter to the company Web site.“我们提供客户满意度保证已有很长时间”,她在向一位记者展示公司网站时说。