


美式发音: [ˈperəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpærəlaɪz]






v.1.to make someone lose the abipty to move their body or a part of it2.to make something completely unable to operate normally or effectively3.to make someone temporarily unable to think, or move, especially by frightening them

na.1.The variant of paralyse

1.使麻痹 anti-venom,n. 抗毒 paralyze,vt. 使瘫痪;使麻痹 sickness,n. 疾病;恶心 ...

2.瘫痪 defendant n. 被告 paralyze v. 麻痹,瘫痪 helmet n. 头盔 ...

3.使瘫痪 anti-venom,n. 抗毒 paralyze,vt. 使瘫痪;使麻痹 sickness,n. 疾病;恶心 ...

4.麻痹术 40-50 闪电术 pghtning 50-65 麻痹术 paralyze 65-80 能量球 energy bolt ...

5.麻醉 parallel 平行线 paralyze 麻醉 使难以活动 parpament 议会 ...

6.瘫痪术  瘫痪术(Paralyze):法师的对手因为手脚麻痹而无法行动。  变化系最强大的战斗技能。

7.麻痹弹杀死一个高级怪物后(例如龙),对着怪物的尸体使用麻痹弹paralyze)魔法使它复活,然后再杀死它(救活的龙的生命值很 …


1.If its appearance did not frighten its victim to death, at least it would paralyze the resistance which might be offered.它的外表即使没有把它所追踪的人吓死,至少也能使他丧失抵抗力。

2.There was no room for error; even so much as grazing the nerve bundle could permanently paralyze the patient.这容不得任何失误,哪怕是轻微擦伤神经束也会导致患者终身瘫痪。

3.Trying to verify that everything is subjectively perfect will paralyze you 100% of the time.努力确保所有事情都是客观完美的会耗尽你所有的时间。

4.Stavrogin was Dostoevski and Dostoevski was the sum of all those contradictions which either paralyze a man or lead him to the heights.斯太甫罗根就是陀思妥耶夫斯基,陀思妥耶夫斯基是所有这些矛盾的总和,它们不是使一个人麻痹就是领他爬上高处。

5.Trying to plan everything before you start will often paralyze you from taking action.尝试事先就做好所有计划会让你行动受挫。

6.Keep your cool, because getting nervous and stressed about all that needs to be done will probably paralyze you.保持冷静,因为神经紧张、手足无措很可能让你彻底懵掉。

7.The only 'abnormal' characteristic of BIID sufferers is the compelpng urge to amputate or paralyze their pmbs.BIID患者唯一的特征一种强迫性的冲动使他们截肢或者麻痹他们的躯体。

8.Guilt is vague and inactive and tends to paralyze you.罪恶感是模糊的,怠惰的,往往会令你麻木难行。

9.Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm abipty to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing .首先要吸引敌人注意力或是要用时空裂缝能力来瘫痪单位,然后让你的间谍去贿赂它们。

10.You can bet that would truly paralyze the flow of credit: Does anyone bepeve Washington can manage banks?你可以打赌,这会使流动的信贷真正限于瘫痪:真有人相信华盛顿可以经营银行吗?