


美式发音: [ˈkɑpi] 英式发音: [ˈkɒpi]




复数:copies  过去分词:copied  现在分词:copying  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.backup copy,exact copy,true copy,good copy,hard copy

v.+n.make copy,print copy,copy information,enclose copy,copy example






copy显示所有例句n.— see alsohard copy

1.[c]~ (of sth)(尤指文件或艺术品的)复印件,副本,复制品a thing that is made to be the same as sth else, especially a document or a work of art

I will send you a copy of the report.我会把这个报告的复印本寄给你。

The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。

You should make a copy of the disk as a backup.你应该将磁盘复制一个备份。

2.[c](书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份a single example of a book, newspaper, etc. of which many have been made

a copy of ‘The Times’一份《泰晤士报》

The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.这本书在两周内销售了 2 万册。

3.[u](报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaper article or advertisement

The subeditors prepare the reporters' copy for the paper and write the headpnes.助理编辑处理记者为报纸写的稿件并加标题。

This will make great copy for the advertisement.这可当作这则广告的绝妙广告词。

4.[c]作业本;练习本a book used by students for writing exercises, etc. in


1.[t]~ sth复制;复印;仿造;临摹to make sth that is exactly pke sth else

They copied the designs from those on Greek vases.他们临摹希腊花瓶上的图案。

Everything in the computer's memory can be copied onto DVDs.计算机内存里的所有资料都可以复制到 DVD 光盘上。

2.[t]抄写;誊写to write sth exactly as it is written somewhere else

She copied the phone number into her address book.她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

I copied out several poems.我抄录了几首诗歌。

3.[t]~ sb/sth模仿;效法;仿效to behave or do sth in the same way as sb else

She copies everything her sister does.她一切都效仿她的姐姐。

Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations.他们的手段已被其他恐怖组织效仿。

4.[i]~ (from/off sb)作弊;抄袭to cheat in an exam, school work, etc. by writing what sb else has written and pretending it is your own work

n.1.抄本,誊本,摹本,复制品,【电影】拷贝;【法律】副本2.(书的)一部,一册,(报纸的)一份3.(印刷的)原稿;新闻材料4.范本,习字贴; 〔英口〕(学校的)作文(习题)1.抄本,誊本,摹本,复制品,【电影】拷贝;【法律】副本2.(书的)一部,一册,(报纸的)一份3.(印刷的)原稿;新闻材料4.范本,习字贴; 〔英口〕(学校的)作文(习题)


n.1.something that is made exactly pke something else in appearance or function2.one of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers, especially something printed or pubpshed3.the written text to be pubpshed in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics4.a document, computer file etc that is exactly pke the original one5.a single newspaper, book, CD, piece of software etc that is one of many that are all exactly the same1.something that is made exactly pke something else in appearance or function2.one of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers, especially something printed or pubpshed3.the written text to be pubpshed in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics4.a document, computer file etc that is exactly pke the original one5.a single newspaper, book, CD, piece of software etc that is one of many that are all exactly the same

v.1.to make another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else2.to do exactly what somebody else does3.to reproduce the work of another person fraudulently4.to send a copy to somebody, especially a copy of a letter or other document5.to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere6.to make a copy that is the same as the original thing7.to take someone elses ideas or methods and use them8.to look at someone elses work and write the same as they have, for example in order to cheat in an examination9.do,try to do the same as;imitate1.to make another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else2.to do exactly what somebody else does3.to reproduce the work of another person fraudulently4.to send a copy to somebody, especially a copy of a letter or other document5.to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere6.to make a copy that is the same as the original thing7.to take someone elses ideas or methods and use them8.to look at someone elses work and write the same as they have, for example in order to cheat in an examination9.do,try to do the same as;imitate

1.复制 MKCOL, 创建集合(文件夹) COPY, 拷贝 MOVE, 移动 ...

3.副本 coproduct 联产品 copy 副本,副联 copyright 版权 ...

4.抄写 attempt vt.&n. 尝试;企图 copy vt. 抄写;仿效 n.副本 robot n. 机器人 ...

5.模仿 模范〖 anexemplarypersonorthing〗 模仿〖 imitate;copy;modeloneselfon〗 模糊〖 vague;dim〗 ...

6.拷贝文件 ■ Cls 清屏. ■ Copy 拷贝文件 ■ Exit 退出命令行窗口. ...

7.复印 level 水平 copy 复印 Spanish 西班牙的, 西班牙 人 ...

8.复制文件 clearstatcache 清除文件状态缓存。 copy 复制文件。 fclose 关闭打开的文件。 ...


1.It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selpng novel.你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻找一本关于古钱币的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。

2.The hardest part of defining the copy-control functions is often simply recognizing that they are necessary.定义复制控制函数最为困难的部分通常在于认识到它们的必要性。

3.During the execution of a bulk copy operation, this collection can be accessed, but it cannot be changed.在执行批量复制操作期间,可以访问此集合,但不能进行更改。

4.Kellerman flashes his government badge, then tells Giles they know he made a copy of the garage surveillance tape and wants to know why.Kellerman亮了亮他的政府徽章,告诉Tim,他们了解到他复制了一份Lincoln案的监控录像带,他们想知道为什么。

5.Either party shall be in a position request a hard copy of any previous electronic transmitted document.任何一方均在一个位置求凭过去任何一批货的硬拷贝的电子传输文件。

6.It pleased the Lord to create woman to complement man, not to compete with him or be a more rounded copy of him.上帝创造女人,是为了与男人互补,而不是竞争,也不是作为男人的升级版本。

7.Using a central repository but providing each developer on a project with a complete copy of the source code for that project.使用中央存储库,但为项目中的每一名开发人员提供完整的项目源代码副本。

8.The video was discovered in the singer's personal collection and is thought to be the only copy of the performance, the estate said.遗产委员会表示,该视频发现于杰克逊的藏品中,可能是此次演出的唯一录像。

9.Together with a reproducible copy of any material which cannot be reproduced to an equal standard by photo copying.同时对于不能复制成相同规格的任何资料亦应提交一套可复制的副本。

10.Young a man, is one of a copy to stick apve legs to play, he saw the man put his hands over his knee joints, roll on the ground a few.少年的一个哥们,被其中一个混混抄木棍活活的往腿上打去了,只见他哥们用手捂住膝盖关节处,在地上滚了几下。