




1.记忆芯片 Brighton 布莱顿 Memory Chips 记忆芯片 Dimensional Crack 维度裂痕 ...

2.记忆晶片 ... 长途电话公司. Long Distance Carriers 内存芯片. memory chips 电信服务. telecommunication service ...

4.存储器片 a memorial service 追悼会;追思礼拜 memory chips 存储器片 mental illness 精神 …

5.记忆体模组方面年前在全球出售的十四款、共九十万部手提电脑内,存有记忆体模组方面Memory Chips)的问题,该公司已承诺会免费为 …


1.The firm's roots and most of its profits lay in making memory chips; Intel's microprocessor group was just a small niche.内存条制造是英特尔公司的根基所在,公司大部分盈利都来自那里。英特尔的微处理器部只是小打小闹。

2.The main board of the utipty model is not easy to generate bad connection of memory chips.本实用新型提供的主板,不易发生内存芯片连接不良。

3.While it has an internal battery and uses Wi-Fi to stream content, it has no hard disk and uses only memory chips.虽然它也有内置电池,并通过Wi-Fi传输内容,但是它没有硬盘,只能通过存储芯片进行数据存储。

4.The interactions between the cellular chemicals are pke the constantly changing states of processing and memory chips.细胞的化学反应就像处理器和内存中不断变化的状态。

5.Intel's last big restructuring came in the mid-1980s, when it decided to abandon the market for memory chips known as DRAMs .英特尔上一次大规模重组发生在上世纪八十年代中期,当时它决定退出存储芯片市场。

6.Memory chips: messages that fly in the sky, pmitless whether or not desire exists in nothingness?记忆的碎片—天空中飞扬着地上的讯息,无边无际的是否将着落在虚无?

7.Components, especially memory chips, have continued to fall in price.各个组件的价格(特别是内存芯片)一直持续下降。

8.These keystroke loggers have built-in memory chips that can capture a year or more of typing.这些击键记录者有可捕获一年或更多的输入的内置内存芯片。

9.These keystroke loggers have keystroke keyboard compani built-in memory chips that can capture a year or more of typing.这些击键记录者有可捕获一年或外观这些他们更多的输入的内置内存芯片。

10.Today, he said demand of flash memory chips will exceed supply in the second half.今天,他说闪存芯片的需求将会超过供应量,特别是在今年的下半年。