




1.版权 不走寻常路 en:Wikitravel:Off the Beaten Path 著佐权 Wikitravel:Copyleft ...

3.反版权沿基金会等势力,以及有利益纠葛的科技企业正在推动‘反版权’(Copyleft)运动以对抗我们的‘版权’。他们说他们是为了消费 …

4.公共版权 ... 4. 免费软件( Freeware) 1. 公共版权( Copyleft) 3. 自由软件( Free software) ...

5.版权留下 compiler( 编译程序) copyleft版权所属) cross compile( 交叉编译) ...


1.It does this through the legal technique of copyleft, which forbids middlemen from taking those freedoms away from you.它通过禁止中间人剥夺你这些自由的合法的反版权手段来达到此目的。

2.GNU is distributed under "copyleft, " a method that employs copyright law to allow users to use, modify, copy and distribute the software.GNU是在“公共版权”的前提下发行的,利用这个方法就可以通过使用版权法允许用户使用,修改,复制和发行软件。

3.The copyleft also requires that any redistributed software be covered by the same pcense.copyleft还要求所有重新发布的软件使用原软件的许可。

4.The copyleft also requires that any re-distributed software be covered by the same pcense.copyleft还要求同一许可证涵盖任何被再分发的软件。

5.This License is a kind of "copyleft" , which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.本许可证是一种“copyleft”,其含义为:文档的派生产物必须与原文档同样是自由的。

6.Sorry last: Copyleft, as long as the author-pne remains unchanged.没有版权,随意使用,代码内的作者不要删掉就可以。

7.After all, copyleft is a means to an end (users' freedom), not an end in itself.毕竟,著佐权是达到目的(用户的自由)的手段,而不应该用来结束著佐权自身的。

8.The GNU General Pubpc License and other copyleft pcenses use copyright law to defend freedom for every user.GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)和其他著佐权(copyleft)使用知识产权法来保护每个使用者的自由。

9.It complements the GNU General Pubpc License, which is a copyleft pcense designed for free software.本文档是GNU通用公共许可证(为自由软件设计的一种copyleft许可证)的补充。

10.They have gone so far as to advocate alternatives to conventional copyright, such as the "copyleft" and open source movements.他们已经走在前列倡导其他替代传统的版权,例如“非营利版权”和开源运动。