


美式发音: [kəˈriə] 英式发音: [kɔ:ˈriən]






adj.1.Same as Korea(n)

na.1.The variant of Corean

1.韩国 Korea 朝鲜、韩国 Corea 韩国 Kuwait 科威特 ...

2.韩国买家秀 JAPAN 日本买家秀 COREA 韩国买家秀 HONGKONG 香港买家秀 ...

3.科雷亚 新加坡( Singapore) 科雷亚( Corea) 比利时( Belgium) ...

4.柯利亚 格鲁维( Gruver, Kathy) 柯利亚( Corea, Denice) 布朗( Brown, Mark L.) ...

5.电子工业 墨西哥三星电子 Samsung Electronics México 电子工业 COREA 墨西哥工程银行 B…


1.china and japan are have terrible sportsmanship too more than corea. anyway, Coreans are physically STRONGER than any other races.中国和日本固然比韩国拥有更可怕的运动精神。但是无论如何,韩国人的身体都比其它任何一个种族都要强壮。

2.Journeys in North China, Manchuria and Eastern Mongopa, with Some Account of Corea.华北、满洲及东蒙旅行记

3.Man, Rusia is pke Turkey, North Corea, India, Germany and United Kingdomall together, how can it be behind them?年轻人,俄罗斯和土耳其、朝鲜、印度、德国和英国旗鼓相当,怎么会排在他们之后?

4.Types of tea custom in Corea is various and characteristic.韩国的茶礼种类繁多、各具特色。

5.The history of tea-tasting in Corea is more than several thousand years.韩国的饮茶史也有数千年的历史。

6.Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832 and 1833 with Notices of Siam, Corea and the Loochoo Islands.1831、1832、1833年三次沿中国海岸航行日记,附暹罗、朝鲜、琉球介绍

7.I am so happy that they are going to run their own business when they come back from Corea instead of being employee.我很高兴他们将经营自己的业务时,从韩国回来,而不是雇员。

8.They will come back this wednesday, I am so excited to see them and do hope they have a good time in Corea.他们会回来本星期三,我很高兴看到他们,希望他们有一个良好的时间在韩国。

9.As that in Japan, Tea Dao in Corea originated from China and the doctrine of which is "harmony, respect, thrifty and verity" .和日本一样,源于中国的韩国茶道,其宗旨是“和、敬、俭、真”。

10.Factors'Analysis on Higher Education Popularization in the U. S. , Germany, Japan and Corea美、德、日、韩高等教育大众化发展道路依托因素的分析