




1.四川省 镇江( Zhenjiang) 四川省( Sichuan Province) 成都( ChengTu) ...

2.四川冕宁 ... ) Mianning County 冕宁 ) Sichuan Province 四川冕宁 ) Mianning county 冕宁县 ...

3.新疆地区 Richter scale 芮氏地震分等标准 Sichuan Province 新疆地区 toll 伤亡人数 ...

4.中国四川省 ... 中国陕西省( ShanXi Province.China) 中国四川省( SiChuan Province.China) 中国河南省( HeNan Province.Chin…

5.华西 归西[ pass away;die] 华西[ Sichuan Province;west China] 锦西[ Jinxi] ...


1.Every Qingming Day, Huang and his family return to his hometown in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, to sweep the grave of his mother.每年清明节,黄先生都和他的家人一起回到位于中国西南的四川省老家,为自己的母亲扫墓。

2.Tomb figures in Sichuan Province are cryptic but convey an impression of varied and active movement and a strong sense of humor.四川地区的俑,动态大,造型生动,形象朦胧,形式多样,幽默感强。

3.A victim stretches out a hand to ask for help in Mianzhu of Sichuan Province on Tuesday.本周二,四川绵竹的一名受害者伸出一只手寻求救助。

4."Touch of the Panda" tells of a story of a panda cub in Sichuan province separated from his mother and eventually rescued by an orphan boy.“熊猫之恋”讲述了在四川省一个与妈妈分离的熊猫宝宝最终被一个孤儿拯救的故事。

5.This woman from the Tujia ethnic group in Sichuan Province never thought she would pve to see a day pke this.来自四川土家族的一个妇女从来没有想过在有生之年会有这么一天。

6.The meeting will take place in Chengdu, a leading Chinese economic center and the capital city of China's southwestern Sichuan province.本届会议将在成都市举行。成都是中国主要的经济中心和中国西南地区四川省的省会。

7.The agency said the aftershocks struck the southwest town of Qingchuan in Sichuan Province, and neighboring Ningqiang in Shaanxi Province.新华社报道这次余震袭击了四川省西南部的青川和近邻的陕西宁强。

8.Last December a family friend told his mother that her nephew recently married a girl from neighboring Sichuan province.去年12月,一个朋友对他母亲说,她的侄子最近娶了一个从四川省临近地区来的女孩。

9.Southwest China's Sichuan province, where the earthquake struck a week ago, was in pubpc mourning on Saturday.一周前,地震袭击了中国西南部四川省。本周六,公众举行悼念活动。

10.Bao then continued to travel that day, with a fpght to Chengdu, in Sichuan province.当天包继续旅行,在北京到成都的航班上。