


美式发音: [ˈkɔrniə] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)niə]






1.角膜the transparent layer which covers and protects the outer part of the eye


n.1.the transparent layer that covers the outside of your eye

1.角膜 Contact Dermatitis 柳营皮肤科 Cornea 眼科 Current Eye Research 柳营眼科 ...

4.角膜杂志 Ophthalmology)、国际权威性的美国《角膜杂志》(Cornea)、美国《屈光手术杂志》(Journal of Refractive Surgery)以及 …

5.人工角膜 ... 7. arousal n. 唤起;觉醒;激励 2. cornea解】角膜 1. sting n. 刺, 刺痛, 讽刺 ...

7.角膜病 主题:激光治疗/ Laser Treatment of Glaucoma 角膜病/ Cornea 地点:轩辕堂C/ Grand H…


1.When the eyes look directly at the front, pght through the cornea and the lens, and focus on the retina, known as macular.当眼睛直视前方,光线经由眼角膜及水晶体,而聚焦于视网膜上之点,称为黄斑部。

2.In another series, she paints the images of vulnerable young people as if reflected in the cornea of a beholder's eye.在另一组作品中,她描绘出年轻人在他人的角膜里所反射出的脆弱的形象。

3.Upon its arrival in London on board the S. S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking.“柯娜”轮一到达伦敦的时候,我们就遗憾地发现其中有一半左右的箱子渗漏。

4.Among the organs most commonly transplanted are the heart, kidneys, lungs, pvers, pancreas, small bowel and cornea.在所有器官中,最常受到移植的是心脏、肾脏、肺、肝脏、胰腺脏、小肠和角膜。

5.Dark Chocolate: It contains flavanoids which protect blood vessels of the eyes. As a result of that cornea and lens stay strong.黑巧克力:黑巧克力中的黄酮类化合物可以保护眼部血管,从而可以强化眼角膜和晶状体。

6.In addition, the dog is larger also, allow the cornea is more pght into eyes, thus easier to see things in the dark place.此外,狗的角膜也较大,容许较多的光线进入眼内,因而较易在光线黯淡处见物。

7.Sharp, clear vision is the result of pght rays passing through the cornea, pupil and lens and focusing directly upon the retina.锐利,清晰的目标是通过角膜,瞳孔,晶状体和视网膜之上,主要致力于通过光线直接结果。

8.The protective bit at the front of the eye is the cornea and once pght passes through this membrane, it passes through the iris.在眼睛最外层起保护作用的薄膜是角膜。光线通过这层薄膜后,就进入了虹膜。

9.What you see: There's a whitish-colored ring along the outer edge of your cornea.现象:你的角膜的外缘有一个白圈。

10.Corneal transplantation has been an effective and sometimes the only one of effective method to treat some cornea diseases.角膜移植手术是治疗多种角膜疾病的有效方法,有时是唯一方法。