


美式发音: [ˈkɔrniəl] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)niəl]





adj.1.relating to the cornea

1.角膜的 lagophthalmos 兔眼 corneal 角膜的 framework 骨架,结构 ...

2.后角膜 治疗翼状胬肉 pterygium 后角膜 corneal 远处 distant ...

3.兔角膜 手术并发症 complications 兔角膜 corneal 家兔 rabbits ...

4.性角膜 皮层 cortex 性角膜 corneal 异体 transplantation ...

5.术后角膜 泪道 lacrimal 术后角膜 corneal 端粒 telomerase ...

6.角膜中央 上睑 levator 角膜中央 corneal 过敏性鼻炎 rhinitis ...

7.医角膜的 ... opacity n.不透明性 corneal[ 医]角膜的 nubecula n.[医] 角膜混浊 ...


1.The chitosan-chondroitin sulfate blend film, which had special curvature, was used to construct rabbit corneal endothelium in vitro.以特定曲率的壳聚糖-硫酸软骨素共混膜为载体,构建兔角膜内皮。

2.Corneal tattooing is usually used for patients that have had trauma to their eye, not for this, which is called body modification.眼角膜上的刺青一般用于那些眼球外伤的病人,而不是单纯为了刺青,这可以称为“身体改造”。

3.Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist.对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。

4.She said she needed to undergo a corneal transplant, which would be paid for by a settlement with her doctor.她说自己现在需要进行角膜移植,且要昂贵的医疗费用。

5.Conclusion: Autografting of corneal limbus stem cells might be a simple, safe and effective surgery for recurrent pterygium.结论:自体角膜缘干细胞移植是一种治疗复发性翼状胬肉简单、安全、有效的手术方法。

6.Corneal transplantation has been an effective and sometimes the only one of effective method to treat some cornea diseases.角膜移植手术是治疗多种角膜疾病的有效方法,有时是唯一方法。

7.Conclusion Taurine with concentration between 2% and 6% has no adverse effects on the growth of rabbit corneal endothelial cells.结论2%~6%牛磺酸对兔角膜内皮细胞的生长无不良影响,提示该浓度范围的牛磺酸对角膜内皮细胞无毒副作用。

8.The corneal transplant operation makes this blind man to see the light again.角膜移植手术使得这位盲人重见光明。

9.Conclusion The corneal epithelium cultured on the amniotic membrane may prove to be potential grafts for corneal epithelium transplantation.结论利用羊膜作为载体的体外培养的角膜上皮组织片可作为较理想的角膜上皮移植材料。

10.Objective To investigate the characteristics of keratoconus under corneal topography, especially the early Keratoconus .目的探讨圆锥角膜患者角膜地形图的特点,以期早期发现圆锥角膜患者。