



美式发音: [ˈfɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈfɪlə(r)]



复数:fillers  同义词




n.1.something that you add to a story, broadcast, article, movie, etc. only because you have space or time to fill2.a substance used for repairing holes in walls and in wood

1.填充剂 filled band 满带 fillers 填料 filling compound 浇灌膏 ...

4.填充料塑胶模具 > 热机械行为 材料性质与塑 来源:未知 作者…

5.补白 Botox 肉毒杆菌 Fillers 填充拉皮 Skin lasers 皮肤雷射 ...

8.纸张之填充物 ... Primers( 底漆) Fillers( 纸张之填充物) Dipping paints( 沾浸式涂料) ...


1.The surface reactivity of many nonblack fillers generally precludes strong a nd bonding with an alstomeric matrix.许多非碳黑填料的表面活动性一般阻碍与弹性基体形成牢固的粘结。

2.In addition to carbonates and metal hydroxides, these products are also claimed to react with the surface of talc and of cellulosic fillers.除可用于碳酸盐和金属氢氧化物外,据称这些产品也能与滑石粉和纤维素填料的表面反应。

3.In an unprecedented event, space walkers were called upon to remove protruding gap fillers from the heat shield on Discovery's underbelly.出现了前所未有的事件,太空漫步人员提出在发现号的下腹部的散热屏上有缝隙。

4.Other cosmetics are stretched with a variety of fillers to bulk-up the quantity of the product and the margin of profit.其他的化妆品都有各种各样的添加剂来增加产品的体积,获得更多的利润。

5.Hyaluronic acid fillers are generally used to treat facial wrinkles and folds and to enhance the appearance of the lips.透明质酸填充剂通常用来治疗面部皱纹和皱褶,并形成饱满的嘴唇。

6.Fillers such as collagen can plump the skin and give it a smoother appearance. Botox relaxes the muscles and reduces fine lines.如胶原蛋白可以丰满和光滑皮肤。肉毒杆菌放松肌肉,减少细纹。

7.Injectable fillers and botulinum toxin are suitable for people with busy lifestyles who do not want the inconvenience of a long recovery.注射型填充物和肉毒杆菌适合那些生活节奏紧凑,不希望花费较长时间来恢复的人。

8.Even if the notes the selected paper no longer in the case of special, in the paper are fibres, join the fillers, then coating baking paper.即使纸币所选纸张再好再特殊,归根而言纸张都是纤维制成的,加入填充料,成型后再涂布烘干成纸。

9.As you become more conscious of the way you speak and practice speaking without fillers, you'll find your filler use decrease.当你对自己的表达方式越来越注意,而且进行了减少填充词的练习之后,你会发现填充词会减少很多。

10.Used together, soy oil and soy fillers could replace up to 26 per cent of the petroleum-based content in automotive rubber applications.在汽车的橡胶产品生产中,豆油和大豆填充物可以替代26%的石油原料。