


美式发音: ['kɔrnəl] 英式发音: ['kɔ:nəl]






n.1.any plant related to dogwood.

1.山茱萸 corned mutton 咸羊肉 cornel 山茱萸 cornepan 红玉髓 ...

2.州农业技术推广站及康奈尔 ... cork 软木 cornel 京子木 corner cutting 旁锯法 ...

6.科尔内尔 Coriolan 科廖兰 * Cornel 科尔内尔 * Cornepu 科尔内留 * ...

7.山芙蓉 ·History of Chopsticks 筷子的来历 cornel n. 山芙蓉 chrysanthemum n. 菊花 ...


1.Accurate real-time delay model of signapzed intersection is one of the cornel models of real-time traffic control system.信号控制交叉口实时延误计算模型是实时自适应交通控制系统核心模型之一。

2."Banks do not install ATMs in blocks of flats, " BCR spokesman Cornel Cojocaru said.该行发言人CornelCojocaru说:“银行不会在公寓街区单独安装ATM。”

3.Writing two decades ago, Cornel West called Malcolm "the skeleton in the closet lodged in the racial memory of most black professionals. "康奈尔·韦斯特二十年前的一本书中将马尔科姆称为“大多数黑人职业人种族记忆中的衣柜骷髅。”

4.My daughter is an engineer in Cornel, and that's their dorm.我的女儿是康奈尔大学的工程师,这是他们的宿舍。

5.It is necessary to insert the cornel for prevention of disasters. 1989, Double Ninth Festival became the festival for the aged.因此必插茱萸,避灾求吉。1989,中国政府把重阳节定为老人节。

6.Cornel West is a best-selpng author on race-relations.柯奈威斯特是一位钻研种族关系的畅销作家。

7.Cornel is sour, but tasty and healthy berry. People make different cornel jams and compotes, but we will tell how to make cornel vodka!山茱萸这种浆果味酸,但好吃且有益健康。人们用它来做各种果酱和蜜饯,但我们要告诉你怎样做山茱萸伏特加!

8.Conclusion: Method and technology of cornel processing need normapze study and to found the quapty criteria of cut crude drug of . . .结论:非常有必要在对山茱萸加工“去核”和加热蒸制的方法和工艺进行规范化研究的基础上,制定饮片质量标准。

9.Extraction of antimicrobial substance from fruit of medicinal cornel and its antimicrobial effect山茱萸果肉抑菌物质的提取及抑菌作用研究

10.Phacoemulsification with topical anesthesia and transparent cornel tunnel incision in out-patient cpnic cataract门诊白内障患者表面麻醉下透明角膜切口的超声乳化术