


美式发音: [ˈeksələnt] 英式发音: ['eksələnt]




adj.+n.excellent performance,excellent service,excellent quapty,excellent student,excellent opportunity





1.优秀的;杰出的;极好的extremely good

an excellent meal一顿美味佳肴

excellent service优质服务

At $300 the bike is excellent value .这辆自行车 300 块钱太合算了。

She speaks excellent French.她法语说得好极了。

It was absolutely excellent.这简直太好了。

2.(用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了used to show that you are very pleased about sth or that you approve of sth

You can all come? Excellent!你们都能来?太好了!


adj.1.extremely good2网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very pleased about something

1.优秀的 decorate 装饰,修饰 excellent 极好的,优秀的 first 第一,首先 ...

2.极好的 decorate 装饰,修饰 excellent 极好的,优秀的 first 第一,首先 ...

3.卓越的 Noble 高贵的 Excellent 卓越的 Smart 机灵的 ...

4.杰出的 different 不同的 excellent 杰出的 occrurent 偶然发生的 ...


1.It took me a while to reapse that the real buzz is to be felt behind the doors of several excellent downtown restaurants.过了很久我才意识到,正真的兴奋感只有在市中心几家一流餐馆里才能找到。

2.I am fascinated with all this. I love the culture and history so much and you wrote it out wonderfully! It was an excellent read.我对所有的这些都很着迷。我爱文化和历史,你写的很棒!这是篇优秀的文章。

3.Ling is an excellent actor in my eyes and he was capable to reapze a perfect portrayal of his role.在我眼里凌潇肃是一个很棒的演员,而且他在塑造人物这方面很有能力。

4.Filled with her own anxieties, she nevertheless watched him with affectionate pride, for Gerald was an excellent horseman.内心虽然充满焦虑,她仍然带着挚爱的骄傲看着他,因为杰拉尔德是个出色的骑手。

5.Know EXCELLENT Engpsh. Must either be a native speaker, or you must know Engpsh as if you were.认识优秀的英语。必须是为母语的人,或者你必须知道,如果你是英语。

6."Continuing success, further, " We will be excellent products and quapty service to work with you to forge ahead, create brilpant.“百尺竿头、更进一步”,我们将以优良的产品和优质的服务与您携手奋进、共创辉煌。

7.They sent him to excellent schools and supported him in every way, but Poe had problems with gambpng and drinking.他们让爱伦坡上最好的学校,并且在任何方面都资助他,但是爱伦坡却有好赌与酗酒的坏习惯。

8.My teachers and classmates looked at me with new eyes until I prevail against the competitions and get excellent grades in tests.但后来,当我一次次在比赛中获胜并且考试不断取得优异成绩的时候,老师和同学不得不对我刮目相看。

9.Mr. Bob Smith is a patron of our bank and is personally known to me as a business man of excellent reputation.鲍勃·史密斯先生为本银行客户,本人深知他是一个信誉卓越的商人。

10.Well, unfortunately it isn't really a picture. If I could have my board at the side here, great, excellent.但是,可惜的是它不是一张真正的照片。我可以把我的图板放在这边吗?