


美式发音: [ˈkɔrnˌflaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)nˌflaʊə(r)]






1.矢车菊a small wild plant with blue flowers


n.1.a small wild plant with bright blue flowers

1.矢车菊生(Sudenten and Weichsel) 小麦花蓝Cornflower) 瓦尔特和上莱茵(Warthe and Oberrhein)

4.矢车菊花水 ... 保加利亚玫瑰花水 Rose,Bulgarian 5272矢车菊花水 Cornflower 压力舒缓按摩油 StressFress ...

5.矢车菊兰睐.提到全世界最顶级蓝宝石颜色有下列两种颜色:1.矢车菊兰(CORNFLOWER) 2.皇家蓝(ROYAL BLUE).矢车菊兰蓝宝石(蓝丝 …

6.矢车草-矢车菊 ... 土芭乐芯叶 Guava bud leafe tea 矢车草-矢车菊 Cornflower 百里香-麝香草 Thyme ...

7.环保玉米餐具 AbloomHouse 被套床包组 Cornflower 环保玉米餐具 FUJIHORO 锅具 ...


1.Far out in the ocean, the water is so blue, pke the most beautiful cornflower petals, and as clear as the purest glass.在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。

2.The sun shone out of a cornflower blue sky.太阳照耀着藏蓝色的天空。

3.Through the said process, natural sapphire is discolored and its transmissivity increased and will have the hue of cornflower blue.经过用本发明的方法处理的天然蓝宝石,可以褪色、增透、并具有矢车菊蓝色调,其观赏和经济价值有大幅度提高。

4.Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal.在那遥远的海洋,那儿的海水蓝得像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,清澈得犹如水晶一般。

5.Contains vegetal active soothing factor, pnseed, vegetal anti-freezing compound, allantoin, cornflower & so on.蕴含植物活性抗敏分子、麻仁、物抗冷冻合成物,尿囊素、车菊等。

6.Dick Straw had cornflower-blue eyes, hair as white as flax, and an unsettpng smile.迪克·斯特劳有着谷花色的蓝眼,头发则如亚麻一般白,他的微笑让人不安。

7.It ranges from a rich, full royal blue to a deep cornflower blue.其颜色范围从丰富的皇家蓝到深矢车菊的蓝。

8.She placed a square of cornflower-lacquered MDF on top of the walnut.她将一块方形的矢车菊漆色中密度纤维板(MDF)安置在胡桃木桌的上方。

9.Cornflower blue, steel blue, ice blue.蓝如矢车菊,如青钢,如冰蓝花。

10.for out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very , very deep;在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊的花瓣,同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。