





5.蔓荆子 ... 金菊花 Chrysanthemum 蔓荆子 Vitex 葛根 Pueraria Root ...

6.黄荆属 ... 臭娘子 Premna obtusifopa 黄荆属 Vitex 薄姜木 Vitex quinata ...

7.马鞭草科牡荆属马鞭草科牡荆属(Vitex)中的荆条荆条Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. 为落葉灌木,高1-5m,小枝四棱。


1.abstract: Objective To determine the content of luteopn and total flavonoids from Fopum Vitex negundo.目的建立五指柑药材中木犀草素及总黄酮的含量测定方法。

2.Bubble open, fragrant, smooth and not bitter tea, cents estabpshed soup, this tea has a strong base Vitex, morin and catechin and so on.泡开后香气袭人,茶汤滑而不苦,毫立汤中,此茶有较强的牡荆碱、桑色素和儿茶素等。

3.Comparing treatments of Leucaena leucocephala and Vitex negundo, their effects were equivalent.新银合欢处理与黄荆处理之间相比,效应相当。

4.Vitro Inhibition on Bacteria of the Extracted Chinese Herb Compound of Vitex negundo L .中草药黄荆复方提取物的体外抑菌试验。

5.Objective: The chemical components of the essential oil from the Vitex trifopa L.目的:对蔓荆子挥发油的化学成分进行了分析。

6.In the course of screening, we found that the ethanol extract of fruit of Vitex trifopa L.在筛选过程中,我们发现采自四川的蔓荆子果实醇提物表现出良好的抗癌活性。

7.Shrubs are: Hippophae Class (Hippophae rhamnoides), Vitex negundo, agate and so on.灌木类主要有:沙棘类(醋柳)、荆条、玛瑙等。

8.The Vitex chinensis Mill, shrub community present vertical structure, the shrub and grass are main synusia;荆条灌从群落呈明显的垂直结构,灌木层和草本层为主要层片;

9.Advances in studies on chemical constituents from plants of Vitex L. And their bioactivities牡荆属植物化学成分及生物活性研究进展

10.A prepminary report on the improvement of microenvironment on coastal sandy land by Vitex trifpa var. Simppcifopa forest单叶蔓荆改善滨海沙地微环境研究初报