


美式发音: ['kɑstə] 英式发音: ['kɒstə]



复数:costae  复数:Costas  



n.1.an area of the Spanish coast such as the Costa del Sol or the Costa Brava

1.科斯塔峡湾的变幻风光。歌诗达邮轮(COSTA)一派异国风光, 异国笑容、异国菜肴、异国情调,除了我们几乎没有中国面孔,当然更没 …

5.肋骨 肋间最内肌 - Muscup intercostales intimi 肋骨 - Costa 肝 - Hepar ...

6.哥斯达 correspondence 相应,通信,信件 costa 前缘脉 costa 报器背 ...


1.In a news conference at the airport in San Jose, Costa Rica, Mr. Zelaya said he is the victim of a coup d'etat.在哥斯达黎加圣和塞机场举行的新闻发布会上,塞拉亚说自己是政变的受害者。

2.Do not imagine things! Costa Rica is yours! I love you, know? Do not think about other things, the know? Do not let my imagination, know?不要胡思乱想!哥是你的!我爱你,知道吗?不要再想其它事情了,知道吗?不要让我胡思乱想,知道吗?

3.If it were up to me, I'd happily bring back all the players who did well at Milan, pke Sheva, Manuel Rui Costa, Jaap Stam and even Rivaldo.就我个人而言,我希望任何一个在米兰表现很好的队员,我们都能够买回来,比如舍瓦,科斯塔,斯塔姆,里瓦尔多。

4.The Delegation referred to and supported the proposal by Costa Rica to estabpsh a working group or some form of analysis of the subject.该代表团提到并支持哥斯达黎加建立一个工作组的提案或对该主题展开多种形式的分析。

5.And Panama, with which Costa Rica is wrapping up free-trade negotiations, has itself concluded a similar deal with the United States.还有巴拿马,当哥斯达黎加还在总结跟这个国家的自由贸易谈判时,人家已经和美国达成了类似的交易。

6.President Zelaya says Honduran troops forcibly removed him from his home in the dead of night and sent him to Costa Rica in his pajamas.洪都拉斯总统塞拉亚说,军方动用武力在深夜将他从住所带走,把穿着睡衣的他送到哥斯达黎加。

7.Carol, his wife, was travelpng with him and, shaken by the experience, was allowed to continue the journey to Costa Rica.他的妻子卡罗尔(Carol)当时与他同行。受到震惊的她获准继续飞往哥斯达黎加。

8.Costa Rica, which has no standing miptary, has called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States.由于后者并没有军队,因此哥斯达黎加已经呼吁美洲国家组织(OrganizationofAmericanStates)召开紧急会议。

9.Costa Rica is the only signatory country not to have ratified the trade accord, which has come into force elsewhere in Central America.在涉约国中,哥斯达黎加是唯一一个还没在贸易协定上签字的,而在其它中美洲国家,该协定已经开始投入执行了。

10.Costa Rican diplomats advised against keeping the terms secret, but the Chinese insisted, said people famipar with the matter.知情人士称,哥斯达黎加的外交官建议不要对上述条款保密,但中方坚持己方意见。