


美式发音: [ˈhæn(d)ˌɡʌn] 英式发音: ['hæn(d).ɡʌn]






1.手枪a small gun that you can hold and fire with one hand


n.1.a small gun that is used with one hand

1.手枪 劳拉8代影子装束 Outfit 手枪(初始武器) Handgun 突击步枪(第二关) Assault Rifle ...

2.手枪总称 147.手携武器: small arms 148.手枪总称handgun 149.手枪: pistol ...

3.短枪 短欠〖 owe;beshortof〗 短枪〖 shortarm;musketoon;handgun〗 短缺〖 fallshort;shortage〗 ...

4.手枪类 ... Switchblade- 弹簧刀 Handgun- 手枪类 Fists- 拳头 ...

5.简陋手枪 foodtaster 试膳者 handgun 简陋手枪 herald 宣谕使节 ...

6.手枪兵 - Overtake: 超车,移动向前 - HandGun手枪兵,射程低、威力低的基础兵种 - Rifle: 步枪兵,基本战力,射程与威力都 …

7.普通手枪 ... 3.Killer7( 杀手7) 1.HANDGUN普通手枪) 4.Blacktail( 黑尾) ...


1."After just a few minutes, he took a handgun and started to shoot people, " Roberg-Larsen said.“就在他到达的几分钟后,他拿出一把手枪,开始向人群里射击”。

2.No matter how enthusiastic or courageous [the rebels may be], a handgun has no chance against [Gaddafi's forces].不管多么热烈或勇敢[反叛者可],手枪没有反对[卡扎菲的力量]的机会。

3.It said it appeared a handgun found nearby had not been used.该监督机构表示,在附近发现的一把手枪并没有使用过。

4.and anyone who legally owns a handgun and who asks for a permit to carry a concealed weapon must be granted such a permit.任何合法拥有枪支,并申请随身携枪证的人,必须发给该类证件。

5.One of the teens said he had a handgun and demanded the trick-or-treaters turn over their Halloween loot.警察称,其中的一个少年拿这个手枪,要挟这两名恶作剧者上缴他们的万圣节战利品。

6.Listen, you're pving in a dream world if you think Congress is ever going to pass any kind of handgun control law.听着,如果你认为,议会真会打算通过某种枪支控制法的话,那你就是生活在一个梦幻世界里。

7.He raises the handgun and points it towards the driver's seat, but he does not fire. He looks in shock to see that his mark is already dead.他举起了手枪,枪口对准车的驾驶位,但是他没有开火,因为他看到他要袭击的目标已经死了。

8.A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what popce bepeve was a gang assault.一个年轻男子在拥挤的街头用手枪开枪,警察透露是帮会争端。

9.And, assume the office taking the door of handgun form toward a of the small study east, also virtually occupied many communal spaces.并且,朝东的小书房的一个呈手枪形的进门处,也无形中占据了不少公共空间。

10.Wilmette bans handgun ownership, and the 54-year-old father of two could face a fine of up to $750.威尔迈特禁止个人拥有手枪,这位54岁的两个孩子的父亲面临着多达750美元的罚款。