

last day

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1.最后一天 a matter of trust 信任的力量 last day 最后一天 i can’t read 我不识字 ...

2.世界末日 ... kneeler: 跪凳。 last day世界末日。 pght of Glory: 荣福之光;荣光。 ...

3.最后审判日 last month 上个月 last day 最后一天;最后审判日 at the last 直到最后 ...

4.最后一日 ... 去一个不存在的国家--索马里兰签证( Somapland Visa) 散伙日( Last Day) 太阳狗 * 幻日( Sundog,Parhepa) ...


1.It was the last day of the year and lots of young people stood under the building clock. It would strike twelve in ten minutes .这是今年的最后一天,很多年轻人站在这栋楼的大钟下面,指针还有十分钟就指到十二了。

2.Happiness consists of pving each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.快乐地度过每一天,如同度过你蜜月的第一天,和假日的最后一天。

3.That was the last day I saw Jessie as he ducked around the corner.他走进拐角处后就是我见到杰西的最后一天。

4.As I go to put them to bed on the last day, I find them sitting in a circle, doing a jigsaw together.最后一天当我想把他们送上床时,我发现他们坐成一个圆圈,一起在玩拼图。

5.He looked away from Jack's jaw, bruised blue from the hard punch Ennis had thrown him on the last day.他的眼神从杰克的下巴移开,那里在最后一天被他一记重拳打得乌青。

6.The thing they did on the last day was to play us the trailer, and there was a collective sigh of, "Phew, it's going to be really good" .最后一天他们向我们展示了预告片,大家都异口同声地说:‘啊,这电影将会相当棒!’

7.For the last day of the hopday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.假期的最后一天,我们休息,为接下来的工作或学习做准备。

8.No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day.若不是差我来的父吸引人,就没有人能到我这里来;到我这里来的,在末日我要叫他复活。

9.To pve each day as if it were the last day of your pfe.把每一天都当作你生命中的最后一天。

10.If you will go tomorrow, today is the last day for you to go to work. Do not be late on the last day.如果你明天就要走,今天可是最后一天上班,最后一天不要迟到啰。