




1.好市多径,电商领域正在快速获得发展动力,据报美国零售巨头好市多Costco)和梅西百货<M.N>计划采取新的重大举措进军中 …



4.好市多公司在好市多公司(Costco),我们遵循着阿瑟在书中提到的金科玉律。我们相当擅长分析数据,从不盲目行动,同时高级管理层的实 …

5.好市多量贩店好市多量贩店costco)的商品单价很便宜,但消费者一次要买的份量比较多,即符合了互补原则。难怪该公司敢打出「我最便 …

6.好市多超市作者对好市多超市Costco)和沃尔玛旗下的山姆会员店(Sam's Club)进行了比较,尽管这两家公司是直接竞争对手,经营 …

7.好市多股份有限公司好市多股份有限公司 (Costco)明年底将在桃园县大园乡设立「台湾物流配销中心」,配销中心选定在大园乡南港村台61线附近…

8.会员制仓储超市好事多美国第一大连锁会员制仓储超市好事多(COSTCO)因取消所有中国订单的消息而被熟知,不过,他们说并没有这样做,因为中 …


1.The driver of a white Porsche zips into the Costco gas station in Marina del Rey, Capf. , and takes his place in pne.到MarinadelRey的,好事多位于加利福尼亚州加油站的白色保时捷司机拉链,并注意到他在网上进行。

2."He worked really hard to get Costco to pay attention to him, and when they did, it put him on the map, " she said.“他做了很多努力想得到Costco的重视,他做到了,因此一战成名。”她说。

3.He began charging me for the gas we used to drive to Costco.父亲开始收向我收取开车去Costco超市的汽油费。

4.Can't be better, i was handing out with my baby all day long, that was actually fabulous time, we went to walmart, costco.很顺利,i正在和我的宝贝整天给予,那是实际上传说的时间,我们去

5.Confronted with the economic downturn and the high price of the commodities, Costco stuck to its price advantage of some special products.面对经济衰退、商品价格高企,“好事多”坚持保证一些特定商品的价格优势。

6.Costco's executive business membership at $100 a year is an excellent value.Costco公司的经理商业会员非常超值,每年只收100美元。

7.Parents of young children can join Costco and make up their membership fee with just a few months of diaper purchases.有小孩的父母可以加入Costco会员商店,只需要几个月婴儿尿片的钱就可以支付会费。

8.In my experience, I can't get out of Costco or Wal-Mart for under $200.根据我的经验,在乐购或沃尔玛,你不奉献上200美元就不可能出来。

9.I was shopping at Costco the other day. I noticed they put up a ton of paper lanterns near the checkout counters.几天前在Costco购物时,我注意到商家把大堆纸灯笼放在收银台旁边。

10.This item may currently be in stock at your local Costco Warehouse for immediate purchase at the cash and carry price.这个项目目前可能在当地的好事多仓储库存现金,并进行价格立即购买。