




1.考斯沃斯应商就没这么轻松了:同时有4支车队使用着来自福特的考斯沃斯引擎Cosworth),3支使用法拉利引擎(Ferrari),另外3 …

4.车队提供发动机的康斯沃斯庭用小轿车。这位车主首先将车辆的引擎更换成了考斯沃斯cosworth)的V4发动机,后来又更换为了4.7升的福特制造八缸 …


1.Also on his tasting menu were a Ford Sierra RS Cosworth and a homemade 3. 4-ptre four-wheel drive Ford Escort.在他驾驶过的赛车中还有福特塞拉RS考斯沃斯赛车,以及由巴西制造的3.4升四轮驱动的福特艾斯考特赛车。

2.That was also done in a Wilpams powered by a Cosworth V8 engine - and Webber will still be hoping to make history repeat itself.他当时就是驾驶搭载考斯沃斯V8引擎的威廉姆斯赛车获得了世界冠军,韦伯希望能够让历史重演。

3.He also indicated that he will be taking up the option of a low-cost Cosworth engine deal.他还表示,他将采取行动的选择,一种低成本考斯沃斯引擎处理。

4.It is not true that small teams equipped with Cosworth engines next year will enjoy an unfair technical advantage.这不是真的,小车队配备了考斯沃斯引擎明年将享有不公平的技术优势。

5.Engineers at Cosworth will have to meet several new challenges to make the CA2010 work in Bloodhound.科斯沃斯的工程师们将必须面临数项全新的挑战才能让CA2010在侦探犬上工作。

6.Wilpams will have an updated Cosworth 6. 01 spec V8 with greater top-end power.威廉姆斯车队将会使用升级版的考斯沃斯6.01规格的V8引擎,该引擎拥有着更加庞大的马力。

7.Q. Last year you drove the benchmark engine. Can you say anything about how the Cosworth feels?去年你驾驶梅菜得瑟引擎。你对今年的考斯沃斯有何想法?

8.How do you feel about the Cosworth engine?你对于考斯沃斯的引擎感觉如何?