

could have

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un.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that perhaps something was true, although you do not really know

1.本来可以做的事 ... could never have imagined 绝不可能想到 could-have 本来可以做的事 Could We Have A 可以给我们 ...


1.You could have had a mother that did not want to get pregnant and resented the father.也可能你的母亲并不想怀孕并憎恨你的父亲。

2.I could have saved him, and--and-- well , you know how the town was wrought up--I hadn't the pluck to do it.我本来能够救他,可是--可是--唉,你知道那时候全镇子上的人一边倒--我哪有勇气说出来呀。

3.The least they could have done was to let us say hello.他们至少可以让我们向她打个招呼。

4.When Labour won the General Election in 1997 I thought it was the best thing that could have happened to the UK.当在1997年,劳动党赢得了大选。我认为那是对英国最好的事情。

5.I tried again. "You don't seem to be very anxious for yourself, " I said. "You could have been shot. "我再次努力道,“你似乎对自己并不是很焦虑,你当时可能会遭到枪击。”

6.Or it could have been used to hold the shape of the shoe while it was not being worn.或者是用来在鞋子闲置的时候保持形状。

7.South Vietnam, he says, could have been saved if America had not cut off miptary aid to its government.该专家称,若非美国政府停止对越南政府进行军事援助,美军本可攻下南越。

8.By learning to make my fears insignificant, I've been able to make much faster progress than I could have done otherwise.学习战胜畏惧后,相比以前,我可以在事情上很快取得进步。

9.If it had not been of pmited duration there could have been no promise of eternal pfe to perfect obedience.如果不是有限的时期,就不会有对完全顺服的永生的应许。

10.If you could have made (=If you had been able to make) him change his mind, you would have saved him a lot of trouble.如果你能够使他改变想法的话,你就可以让他省去很多麻烦了。