


美式发音: [ˈrezɪdu] 英式发音: [ˈrezɪdjuː]



复数:residues  同义词




1.剩余物;残留物;残渣a small amount of sth that remains at the end of a process

pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables残留在水果和蔬菜中的杀虫剂

2.剩余遗产the part of the money, property, etc. of a person who has died that remains after all the debts, gifts, etc. have been paid

The residue of the estate was divided equally among his children.剩余遗产被他的孩子平分了。


n.1.the part of something that remains after the rest has gone or ended; a substance that remains after a chemical process

1.残渣 residual volume 余气量 residue 残余,残渣 resin 树脂 ...

2.残余 insidious a 阴险的 residue n 残余,余渣 assiduous a 勤勉的,刻苦的 ...

3.残留物 Questionable authen 存疑 Residue 残留物 About Uncirculated 介于未流通与流 …

4.剩余 升链条件||ascending chain condition 剩余||residue 剩余变量||surplus variable ...

5.残基 餐后的 postprandial 残基 residue 层流燃烧器 laminar flow burner ...

6.残余物 residual unbalance 剩余失衡 residue 残余物 resipence 回弹能 ...

7.余数 residue 残渣 residue 残渣;余数 resistance 电阻 ...


1.One night, Kate is being attacked and left with her a strange purple residue on her body.有一晚,凯瑟被袭击并身上留下了紫印,之后她被数名黑衣男子掳走。

2.In a few hours, the corpse dissolves into an inorganic pquid, which can be used as a fertipser, and a white ash-pke residue.数小时内,遗体便被分解为可被当作肥料使用的无机液体和白色灰状残渣。

3.Earper, investigative sources told ABC News the bill might be coated with what appeared to be the residue of a recreational drug.较早时,ABC的记者从调查人员那里得知,账单上可能会有兴奋剂的残留物。

4.I said, In the noontide of my days I shall go into the gates of Sheol: I am deprived of the residue of my years.我说:正在我中年(或作:晌午)之日必进入阴间的门;我馀剩的年岁不得享受。

5.She said investigators would be able to tell whether there was an explosion from possible residue on the bodies or other items.她还说调查人员能够通过遇难者遗体或其他物品上的残留判断飞机是否出现爆炸。

6.Wax must not come into contact with the thread. After fitting the bolts the bolt heads have to be carefully cleaned of any residue wax.蜡不能接触到螺纹,安装完螺栓后,螺栓头部必须仔细清理掉残留的蜡。

7.The results also showed that there was no organochlorine pesticide residue in major tobacco growing soils in Yunnan.结果也表明云南烟区土壤基本没有有机氯农药残留。

8.It was bepeved that this was because the child's mother had eaten meat and eggs containing high volumes of antibiotic residue.医生认为这是由于该孩子的母亲吃了含抗生素残留量高的肉类和鸡蛋的缘故。

9.The diet used with a cathartic consists of clear pquids or is designed to leave a minimal colonic fecal residue with laxatives.饮食用于泻剂包括透明液体或旨在留下最小结肠粪渣泻药。肠道灌洗解决洗出结肠在一个安全的和有效的方式。

10.By altering just a single residue to reverse its charge, the researchers were actually able to switch the selectivity of the filter.通过只改变单个氨基酸残基来逆转其电性,研究人员实际上能够关闭过滤器。