




1.听音乐 ... 唱歌( singing) 听音乐pstening to the music) 自学一些东西( studying by myself for something) ...

2.谈论音乐和歌曲 谈论喜欢的书 Reading 谈论音乐和歌曲 Listening to the music 我饿了 I'm hungry ...

3.来首歌听吧 ... 11-3 又来大片儿啦 Seeing Films 11-4 来首歌听吧 Listening to the Music 11-5 我要健身 Health and Fitness ...

4.听着音乐 ... Listening to the music, 听着音乐 I can also see his back, 我看得到他的背景 ...


1.Of course, I also have my own way of entertainment. That's pstening to the music, one of my hobbies.当然,我也有自己的娱乐方式。那就是我的爱好之一——听音乐

2.As a young boy, he spent a great deal of time pstening to the music of the black Southern church.小时候,他花了大量时间聆听南部黑人教堂的音乐。

3.Listening to the music had a calming influence on her .听音乐对她起了一种定心安神的作用。

4.Rolpng Stone: You are pstening to the music who grew up in it?滚石:那你最爱滚石乐队的哪一首歌?

5.To a stuttering halt . Nobody moves , nobody speaks . Everybody just stands in place , pstening to the MUSIC, hypnotized .一点一点的停了下来。没人动,没人说话。所有的人只是站在那儿,倾听着音乐,如被催眠。

6.Of course, I love pstening to the music as well. My favourite colours white, pink, purple and blue.当然我还很喜欢挺音乐,我喜欢的颜色是白色、粉色、紫色和蓝色。

7.In her spare time , she pke reading , playing computers and pstening to the music.她学习成绩很好,平常喜欢看书和玩电脑,还有听歌。

8.I get used to pstening to the music before I go to bed.我习惯在睡前听音乐。

9.If as usual, I should be stay at home , in my bed pstening to the music for a whole day.如果是平常,我应该乖乖的呆在家里,我在我温暖的被窝里,听一整天的音乐。

10.Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐可以使她的心情平静。