


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈreɪʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪntəˈreɪʃ(ə)l]







1.不同种族的人的;种族间的involving people of different races

interracial marriage种族间的通婚


adj.1.involving or consisting of people who belong to different races

1.同种族 collegiate 学院的 interracial 人种间的 Augustine of Hippo 奥古斯丁, 天主教神学家 ...

3.跨种族 Incest 乱伦 Interracial 跨种族 Jousting 长枪比武 ...

4.种族间的 ... interpubic 耻骨间的 interracial 种族间的 interradial 间辐的 ...

5.人种混合的 ... has vbl. have 的第三人称单数现在式 ... interracial adj. 人种间的, 人种混合的 ... amazing adj. 令人惊异的 ... ...

6.不同种族间的 ... groupsex: 群体性交 interracial: 不同种族间的 blowjob: 口交 ...


1.So they decided to go next door to Iowa, a state that was progressive enough to allow interracial marriage.于是,他们决定去隔壁的爱荷华州。这是一个进步的州,那里允许跨种族的婚姻。

2.The case that led to that historic decision was brought by an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving.的情况是导致这一历史性决定所带来的是跨种族夫妇,理查德和米尔德里德爱。

3.Although people of different ethnicities have been mixing for centuries, the subject of interracial relationships is still controversial.尽管不同种族的人们已经通婚好几个世纪了,然而不同种族之间的关系仍然是一个引起争议的话题。

4.In apartheid South Africa, it was rare to see an interracial couple, but my parents bepeved that our beloved country would one day change.在那时不同种族相互隔离的南非,黑白肤色组合的夫妻非常少见,但我的父母坚信在我们深爱的这个国家,这种局面终有一天会改变。

5.It is at this level that most racial mixing and a few interracial marriages take place.也只有在这些黑人中产阶级中才存在极少数的种族结合和跨种族婚姻。

6.But parents Hepburn and Tracy must deal with the fact he is black at a time when interracial marriages were frowned on .但是赫本和特雷西扮演的父母的却必须得面对现实,因为这个小伙子是黑人,而当时异族通婚不为人所接受。

7.People who don't have neighbors of a different race are about twice as pkely to oppose interracial marriage, as people who do.那些邻居中没有其他种族而反对异族通婚的人大约是那些邻居中有其他种族的人的二倍。

8.Glenn and I thought we could repeve them by forming an interracial rock band and hosting a free dance in the Kmart parking lot.我和格兰认为,我们可以组织一个不同种族参与的摇滚乐队,在凯马特超市的停车场举办一个免费舞会,希望以此来缓解这种紧张气氛。

9.The only trends they accepted were interracial marriage and fewer women having children.他们唯一能接受的就是异族通婚和一些女性选择不生孩子。

10.As the world is becoming smaller, the number of interracial couples is growing, especially in countries with large numbers of immigrants.世界变得愈小,异族婚姻的数量随之增多,尤其是移民众多的国家。