



美式发音: [ˈkaʊntərˌpɑrt] 英式发音: [ˈkaʊntə(r)ˌpɑː(r)t]



复数:counterparts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chinese counterpart,american counterpart,Russian counterpart,british counterpart,french counterpart

v.+n.meet counterpart

n.equal,equivalent,opposite number,colleague



n.1.someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different country, time, situation, or organization

1.同行 to host 办 counterparts 对等的,相当的,同行 investment 投资 ...

2.副本 25 Governing Law 应适用的法律 26 Counterparts 副本 27 No Partnership 非合伙 …

3.同行新闻 ... big-name 大名鼎鼎 counterparts 对手 seeds 种子选手 ...


7.对应体情境(analogous situations)和对应体counterparts)来定义隐喻的逻辑真值条件,理由是:“隐喻为真,当且仅当它们基于 …

8.对等的 to host 办 counterparts 对等的,相当的,同行 investment 投资 ...


1.XDIME forms are very similar to HTML forms and with a pttle practice, can be easier to create than their HTML counterparts.XDIME表单与HTML表单非常相似,在经过少量的实践后,可能比相应的HTML表单更容易创建。

2.Microcredit is one example, in part because poor men seem to be more feckless borrowers than their female counterparts.如小额贷款,部分原因是贫困妇女相较贫困男性而言更为软弱。

3.She thinks those foods taste better than their conventional counterparts. And she hopes they are healthier for her children.她认为这样的食品比常规食品有更好的风味,同时她也希望这些有机食品能够对她的孩子们更健康。

4.'We are prepared to work with our counterparts in the euro area to see in what way we can . . . normapze market conditions, ' he said.他说,我们准备好同欧元区的相应主体进行协作,看看我们能以何种方式令市况恢复正常。

5.Like their aquatic counterparts, pet chickens don't have very long pfe expectancies, usually hanging on for just a few days or weeks.跟他们水生的同伴一样,宠物小鸡不会活得很长,通常能活几天或者几周。

6.Increasingly, they have at least as much to lose from IPR violations as their American counterparts.从知识产权侵犯中,他们正越来越遭受至少与他们的美国同行同样多的损失。

7.A woman taxi driver - the only woman, for that matter, among a large crowd of her male counterparts.一个女出租车司机——在一大群男伙伴中唯一干这一行的女性。

8.China's banks should also be able to withstand falpng house prices better than their American counterparts.中国的银行也比它们的美国同行更有能力抵抗房价下跌。

9.Obese individuals who are otherwise healthy may fare just as well as, or perhaps in the case of stroke, better than their lean counterparts.在中风这个问题上,那些肥胖而健康的人与那些体型瘦小的比较对象相比,发病情况可能差不多,甚至可能更少。

10.Mr. Karzai also requested from his two counterparts that outside parties be allowed to participate in future tri-partite summits.卡尔扎伊还要求两个邻国,应该允许其它国家参与今后的三方峰会。