



美式发音: [ˈteɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈteɪkə(r)]



复数:takers  同义词




n.1.someone who accepts or wants something that is offered2.someone who takes something3.an insulting word for someone who wants a lot from other people but does not want to give anything to them

1.劫匪 加速 Turbo 劫匪 Takers 劫后余生 Jackass ...

2.索取者。领取福利已成为美国生活方式的一部分,美国已经成为索取者takers)的国家。今天的美国,20世纪的罗斯福总统已很难 …

3.偷天抢地 ◎文件大小 1 CD 413MB ◎片 名 Takers ◎文件格式 高清 BDRIP-RMVB ...

5.银行匪帮 Faster --------- 快速2010 Takers --------- 考生2010 The Last Airbender 最后的气宗2010 ...

7.接受者 ... looking for: 寻找 takers: 接受者 invisible: 无形的 ...


1.The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the Capfornia Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.而赌徒和冒险家却在岔路口拐向南方走上了加州小道,翻越内华达山脉,准备好要么发大财要么一无所有。

2.In two thousand six, scientific census-takers found a hairy new species of crab near Easter Island.在2006年,科学普查者在复活节岛附近的发现了毛茸茸的新蟹类。

3.The central truth of that logic still seems to be apparent as the Treasury keeps finding takers for American debt.随着财政部为美国债务不断地找到接受者,这套逻辑的中心事实似乎依旧清晰可见。

4.If I were to advertise for sleep walkers for an experiment, I doubt that I'd get many takers.如果我刊登广告寻求有梦游症的人来帮我做实验,我怀疑肯定会有不少人。

5.Some hire people to be mere order-takers or cash register operators. But that's not what selpng is all about.有些商店请人来接受顾客购买或操作收银机。但那不是销售的全部。

6.Taking penalties is a bit more of an art form, which you would be best advised to practice with your better penalty takers.以刑罚为更多的一种艺术形式,你最好建议实践效果较好的点球手位。

7.Like the age of their takers, the photos in this series are filled with "uncertainties. "如同拍摄者的年龄一样,这些照片充满着“不确定性”。

8.and in selecting foreigners as targets: hostage-takers seem to have sought out American, British and Israep victims.第二,将外国人锁定为袭击目标,绑匪似乎在刻意挑选美国人、英国人和以色列人。

9.So the first step of education reform is trying to teach students who are good test takers to be good essay writers .所以,教育改革的第一步是试着教会那些考试高手写出好文章。

10.For many monetary risk-takers, starting an affair may be another way of satisfying their urges without breaking the bank.对于那些嗜赌成性的人来说,婚外情是一个既可以满足自身欲望,又不至于花费过大的方式。