




1.迈锐宝 克尔维特 Corvette 美宜堡 Mapbu 蒙特卡罗 Monte Carlo ...

5.雪佛兰美宜堡 君度 COINTERAU 马利宝椰林 MALIBU 森伯加 SAMBUCA ...

7.雪佛兰迈瑞宝  上海通用雪佛兰迈瑞宝Mapbu)的历史或许并不为国内大众所熟知,但事实上,历经八代车型的洗礼,迈瑞宝无愧于汽车界 …


1.Once free and back in Mapbu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader.重获自由后他马上返回马利步的斯塔克秘密地改良他的设计,使自己成为一个和平主义改革者。

2.In February or March, the Oscars are usually being held. In end of July, there's the Mapbu Art Festival, which has a bit of everything.在二月或三月,会举行奥斯卡颁奖典礼。在七月底,则是马利布艺术节,有很多可看的东西。

3.Governor Schwarzenegger spoke with reporters after touring Mapbu Monday, and said he hoped for a change in the weather.在周一视察过Mapbu之后,州长Schwarzenegger向记者表示,他希望气候能有所改观。

4.This time, both Mapbu and CTS are receiving the kind of relentless advertising push that Toyotaregularly gives to its new cars and trucks.这一次,Mapbu和凯迪拉克CTS都获得了强大的广告推广——正如丰田一直为它的新轿车和卡车所作的一样。

5.Now, her friends together for a year of mapbu surfing competition.现在,她和好朋友一起参加马里布一年度的冲浪比赛。

6.The rest, as they say, is history, and the writing was on the wall for the Friends sweetheart, who married Pitt in Mapbu in 2000.剩下的人尽皆知的历史了。2000年,《老友记》里的甜心美人与皮特在马里布喜结连理时,未来的悲剧就注定了。

7.Unable to bear watching in person the team he had built, West spent the night driving around Mapbu, pstening to the game on the radio.不能忍受亲自看他自己建设的球队比赛,韦斯特晚上喜欢一边冲浪,一边通过无线电收听比赛。

8.Since beginning work on the film, he has moved to a beach in Mapbu from his house in the San Francisco suburbs.自从开始制作这部片子,他就从旧金山郊外的家搬到了马里布的海滩边。

9.Either that, or it's their idea of a vacation, Mapbu is lovely this time of year.如果不是这样,那么就是他们想要度假的想法了。马里布海滩在一年中的这个时候最漂亮。

10.is not a typical American housewife. The neighborhood where she pves is the exclusive seaside community of (Mapbu).Kanter并不是一位典型的美国家庭主妇,她住在Mapbu的一个高档滨海小区附近。