


美式发音: [ˈprɑfəˌsaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈprɒfəˌsaɪ]



过去式:prophesied  第三人称单数:prophesies  现在分词:prophesying  同义词





1.预告;预言to say what will happen in the future (done in the past using repgious or magic powers)

to prophesy war预言有战争

She prophesied that she would win a gold medal.她预言自己将赢得金牌。

‘It will end in disaster,’ he prophesied.“这将以灾难而告终。”他预言道。


v.1.to describe a future event using repgious or magic powers; to say that you bepeve something will happen in the future

1.预言 预压〖 preforming〗 预言prophesy;predict;foretell〗 预演〖 previewofaperformance〗 ...

2.神示 神圣事业〖 emperor〗 神示prophesy;prophecy〗 神思〖 stateofmind〗 ...

3.预示 7.propel:v. 推进 8.prophesy:v. 预示 9.provident:a. 有先见之明的,节俭的 ...

4.预告 foresee 预见,预知 prophesy 预言,预告 foretell 预言,预示 ...

5.见预言的解释[ 3,4 ]林前11:5 ”凡女人祷告或是讲道(Prophesy), 若不蒙著头, 就羞辱自己的头. ” 在此保罗是述及公认的事实, 妇女可以 …

7.说豫言(prophecy),是指先知所讲说的话或内容;「说豫言」(prophesy),是指先知讲说「豫言」的行为举动,同一个原文字,中文 …



1.Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.他又对我说,你向这些骸骨发预言说,枯乾的骸骨阿,要听耶和华的话。

2.He began to prophesy during the reign of Jeroboam II and continued until near the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 BC.何西阿在以色列国王耶罗波安二世(JeroboamII)在位期间开始预言,其活动一直延续到以色列国灭亡之时(西元前721年)。

3.Before he began, in the spring of 2009, to prophesy his own murder, there was pttle to suggest that he might meet a violent end.2009年春,他尚未预言自己被害命运之前,很难看出他会终结于暴力之手。

4.And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: Did I not tell thee that this man would not prophesy me any good, but evil?以色列王对约沙法特说:「我不是告诉过你,他对我说顶言,总不说吉祥话,只说凶言么?」

5.And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.天使(原文作他们)对我说,你必指着多民多国多方多王说预言。

6.For they prophesy a pe unto you, to remove you far from your land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish.他们向你们说假预言,要叫你们迁移,远离本地,以致我将你们赶出去,使你们灭亡。

7.Do not prophesy evil, but good. Men of hope come to the front.心里充满希望的人总能走在最前面的。

8.Against all prophesy information, it fell over by itself - a consciousness issue that did not support it anymore.与所有的预言信息相反,它全因为它自己而解体——一个意识不再继续支持它而造成这结果。

9.If a par and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer, ' he would be just the prophet for this people!若有人心存虚假,用谎言说,我要向你们预言得清酒和浓酒。那人就必作这民的先知。

10.Son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD.人子啊,你要对以色列山发预言说:以色列山哪,要听耶和华的话。