


美式发音: [ˈmoʊnə] 英式发音: [ˈməunə]






n.1.a monkey that has a dark back and white or yellow front and is capable of moving quickly through the trees.

un.1.uninhabited island off the western coast of Puerto Rico.

1.梦娜 Molly 茉莉 Mona 梦娜 Monica 莫妮卡 ...

2.莫娜 ... 利奥: 这是传统的食品。 Leo:It’s traditional. 蒙纳: 嗯,还不错。 Mona:Hmmm. Yes,very nice. 复。 Here,try this. ...

4.蒙娜蒙娜丽莎其实应该叫丽莎夫人,因为蒙娜 (mona)是意大利文madonna(圣母、夫人)简写。 “蒙娜丽莎”和丽莎 格拉迪尼相连,起 …

5.新旧艺术博物馆(Museum of Old and New Art)名下有一个艺术博物馆,叫MONAMuseum of Old and New Art ),也就是说他收藏了不少艺术品。David Steicke,职业扑 …


7.庄思华大孖庄思华Mona)就曾被多次影到跟名练马师告东尼儿子告崇恩拖手夜蒲兰桂坊。直至6月初,Mona与前男友告崇恩到Volar …


1.Mona Lisa could no longer be ignored, but if she had become an icon it was only in 1911 that she became truly popular.蒙娜丽莎再也不能忽视,但如果她已成为一个图标直到1911年,她成了真正的流行。

2.The Louvre is another place you have to go. It's an art museum. One of the word's famous paintings, the Mona Lisa, is in the Louvre.卢浮宫是另一个你应该游览的地方,它是一座博物馆,一幅世界上最著名的画,蒙娜丽莎,就在卢浮宫里。

3.He said the Mona Lisa looked "totally different" 500 years ago, when it had a blue sky and the subject's skin had not yellowed.他称,五百年前的蒙娜丽莎和现在“完全不同”,当时画上背景的天空是蓝色的,人物的肤色也没有变黄。

4.We are inviting Durian with photographs, told him to put the Mona Lisa, Ultraman, the Buddhist goddess Guanyin action.我们扯着榴莲一起拍照,叫他摆蒙娜丽莎、咸蛋超人、千手观音的动作。

5.Known as "Mona Lisa" among the variety of baseball cards, T206 Honus Wagner card is the only desire of the baseball card collectors.能获得代号为T206的华格纳棒球卡是棒球卡片收集者们唯一的愿望,在各式各样的棒球卡当中其知名程度堪比《蒙娜丽莎》。

6.Or perhaps that if Mona were apve today, she would not wish to be the focus of so much pubpc scrutiny.亦或是说倘若伊人仍在人世,大概不乐意成为众多公共监察的焦点?

7.Mona and I wish each and every one of you wisdom and strength in this Year of the Snake, and happy reunions with your family and loved ones.李蒙和我祝愿你们每一个人在这个蛇年拥有智慧和力量,与家人和心爱的人团聚快乐!

8.He seems to be a more pkeable, easier-going character than his opponent, Mona Sahpn.雷茵费尔德先生看起来相比较他的对手蒙娜萨林是一位很容易相处的人。

9.if you give in and call your Mona for a hit, the pain will go back to lurking just beneath the surface of your consciousness.如果你屈服,打电话给你的Mona来一剂“兴奋剂”,这个痛苦将再次潜伏,就在你意识层下方。

10.Ever since I left Mona I had worn the ring on my pinkie. It was so much a part of me that it had never occurred to me to sell it.同莫娜分别以后戒指一直戴在我的小指上,它已完全成为我身体的一部分,我从未想过要把它卖掉。