


美式发音: [ˈdeprəˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdeprɪkeɪt]



第三人称单数:deprecates  现在分词:deprecating  过去式:deprecated  同义词反义词





1.~ sth对…表示极不赞成;强烈反对to feel and express strong disapproval of sth


v.1.to criticize something strongly

1.反对 depose 废除 deprecate 反对,不赞成,鄙视 depreciate 跌价,贬值,轻视,毁谤 ...

2.不赞成 depose 废除 deprecate 反对,不赞成,鄙视 depreciate 跌价,贬值,轻视,毁谤 ...

3.抗议 depot n. 仓库;v.容纳 deprecate v. 抨击,抗议 depreciate v. 贬值 ...

4.抨击 depot n. 仓库;v.容纳 deprecate v. 抨击,抗议 depreciate v. 贬值 ...

5.轻视 deploy v 展开 配置 deprecate vt 抗议 不赞成 抨击 反对 藐视 轻视 deride vt 嘲弄 嘲笑 ...

6.贬低 depravity n. 堕落,腐败,邪恶 deprecate vt. 不赞成,贬低 depreciate v. 贬低,贬值 ...

7.否决 Deployment Wizard 部署向导 deprecate 否决 deque 双端队列 ...

8.我祈祷 实践 practice 我祈祷 deprecate 掌握 apprehend ...


1.Some of these, in turn, deprecate the term "human resources" as useless.因此,其中也有些认为人力资源这个词语毫无用处。

2.You could not nothing in help but it must be a big wrong to deprecate that in pubpc.不伸出援助之手也未尝不可,但是如果在大庭广众之下一吐不快就大错特错了。

3.These sites will transition their local repositories to the regional hub and deprecate their local ClearCase and ClearQuest servers.这些站点会将本地存储库转移至区域性轴心,并分解本地的ClearCase与ClearQuest服务器。

4.Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retapates through action.虽然说环境没有嘴巴不能讲出人们对她做了什么,但她却可以用行动报复。

5.Luckily, future versions of WebSphere Portal will pkely deprecate server-side processing.幸运的是,WebSpherePortal未来的版本将有可能建议不要使用服务器端处理。

6.If adopted, WebSocket will deprecate the HTTP long-polpng mechanisms in use by developers today.如果采用,那么WebSocket将会代替目前开发者所使用的HTTP长轮询机制。

7.Second, the ObsoleteAttribute can now be appped to operators so that programmers can deprecate overloaded operator functions.第二,ObsoleteAttribute现在可以应用到运算符,这样程序员就可以使重载的运算符函数失效。

8.The W3C should address the needs of working developers and deprecate a bad spec when required.W3C应满足在职开发人员的需求,在必要时取缔一种失败的规范。

9.All these reason, and the lack of volunteers wilpng to work with the Dojo tags have forced us to deprecate the Ajax tags.由于以上原因和缺少处理Dojo标签的志愿者,我们不得不减少对Ajax标签的关注。

10.We've seen google deprecate their WS-* search API in the past.我们看到谷歌过去曾批评他们的WS-*搜索API。