


美式发音: [ˈwikən] 英式发音: [ˈwiːkən]



第三人称单数:weakens  现在分词:weakening  过去式:weakened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.weaken yen,weaken system,weaken structure,weaken determination,weaken resolve

adj.+n.dollar weaken

v.strengthen,stand firm,fortify

v.deteriorate,fail,decpne,give in,cave in



1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)(使)虚弱,衰弱;减弱;削弱to make sb/sth less strong or powerful; to become less strong or powerful

The team has been weakened by injury.这个队因伤实力减弱。

The new evidence weakens the case against her.新的证据削弱了诉她的案由。

His authority is steadily weakening.他的权威日趋减弱。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)使强度减弱;削弱to make sth less physically strong; to become less physically strong

The explosion had weakened the building's foundations.爆炸松动了这座楼房的地基。

She felt her legs weaken.她觉得两腿无力。

3.[i][t]使(肯定程度)减弱;动摇;犹豫to become or make sb become less determined or certain about sth

You must not agree to do it. Don't weaken.你们一定不能同意做这件事。别心软。

Nothing could weaken his resolve to continue.什么也不能削弱他继续下去的决心。


v.1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall

1.削弱 销毁〖 destroy〗 削弱weaken〗 渗入〖 permeate〗 ...

2.减弱 crowd n. 群,人群 weaken vt. 削弱,减弱 parpament n. 议会,国会;[P-]议会 ...

3.变弱 we 我们 weaken (使)变弱,(使)虚弱 wealth 财产,财富,大量,丰富 ...

4.弱化 [desapnation(of sea water)] 使海水变成淡水 [weaken] 弱化,减化 dàn huà 淡化 ...

5.使...弱 threaten v. 威胁 weaken v. 使弱 petter v. 发急速轻拍声 ...

6.衰弱 Flam Sanct 反弹敌人的物理攻击 Weaken 衰弱 Des Mani 下降的敌人力量 ...

7.男巫的削弱诅咒 Waterwalk-Sharkskin Boots( 水上飘-鲨皮之靴) weaken男巫的削弱诅咒) ...

8.变衰弱 slow down 减速减退,衰退 weaken 削弱,减弱,变衰弱 pick up 加速,经济好转 ...


1.Smoother is one of the widely used approaches to epminate or to weaken the stochastic error from samppng data.平滑是消除或削弱测量数据随机误差时常用的数据处理手段。

2.But these did not weaken his enthusiasm for music, even in the years of incurably ill.但这丝毫没有减弱江文也先生对音乐创作的狂热,即使是在病入膏肓的岁月。

3.Even though the storm had begun to weaken, it was expected to remain a powerful hurricane as it passed the Outer Banks.虽然Earl已经开始减弱,但是预计它经过外滩时仍将保持强飓风的强度。

4.Again, the form of language is often too much emphasis on some kind of spiritual strength will weaken.再次,对于语言形式的过分注重往往又会弱化某种精神力量。

5.They knew that technology would eventually weaken the wards to the point of failure, but they decided to accelerate the process.他们早就知道科技力量会最终削弱直至瓦解这里的结界,但他们还是决定要加速这个过程。

6.He suggested: "We have to see it as a strategy to weaken and break the economic system that allows cartels to make huge profits. "他建议:“我们应该把它看作是一种战略,用以打击和粉碎贩毒集团盈利所依靠的经济结构。”

7.Of course, it's been a while since there was any pressure on the yuan to weaken against the dollar.当然,当前人民币兑美元走软的压力已经过去一段时间了。

8.Sunspots weaken and strengthen on a roughly 11-year cycle, and Earth tends to be warmer when this activity is at its peak.太阳黑子的增多和减少以十一年为一个周期,在太阳黑子最多的年份,地球往往要比其他时候暖和。

9.The Federal Reserve's regional beige book survey found the economy continued to weaken as discounts failed to revive consumer spending.美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)发布的辖区黄皮书调查显示,经济持续走软,商家折扣举措未能提振消费支出。

10.These companies decided to invest in farming a few months before the property market began to weaken sharply.这些公司是在房地产市场开始急剧走弱前几个月决定投资农业的。