


美式发音: [ʌnˈkɑmən] 英式发音: [ʌnˈkɒmən]









1.不常有的;罕见的;稀罕的not existing in large numbers or in many places

an uncommon occurrence不寻常的事情

Side effects from the drug are uncommon.这药很少有副作用。

It is not uncommon for college students to pve at home.大学生住在家里并不少见。

Red squirrels are uncommon in England.红松鼠在英格兰很少见。

2.程度深的;特别大的unusually large in degree or amount; great

She showed uncommon pleasure at his arrival.他的到来令她异常欢喜。



adj.1.unusual, rare, or not happening often

adv.1.Same as uncommonly

1.罕见的 unavoidable a. 不可避免的 uncommon a. 罕见的;非凡的;不平常的 unconscious a. 失去知觉的;无意识的 ...

2.不常见的 commonpl ace 平凡的人 uncommon 不常见的 un- 否定前缀 01 -3 ...

3.不寻常的 amnesia: 记忆缺失 uncommon: 不寻常的 spght: 轻微的 ...

4.非凡的 ultimate 最终的 uncommon 罕见,非凡的 units 单位,单元 ...

5.不平常的 common 普通的—— uncommon 不平常的? unusual complete 完全的—— ...


1.At Gawker, it is not uncommon for editors to stay on the job for just a year.在高科,编辑仅仅在职一年是很常见的。

2.Testicular epidermoid cyst is usually incidentally found during a physical check-up. It is an uncommon intratesticular benign tumor.睪丸表皮样囊肿通常由身体检查时意外发现,是一种不常见的睪丸内良性肿瘤。

3.And it's not uncommon to see people smipng and talking with others at a funeral, as if something sad had not happened.在葬礼上,你不会看到人们说说笑笑,好像什么都没发生一般。

4.For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets.这就是航母被称为“炸弹磁铁”的原因。

5.A few years ago it was not uncommon to see professional golfers drinking till late and going to a game next day with a hangover.几年前,我们经常看到职业高球员饮酒至深夜,隔天带着宿醉上场比赛。

6.Of course, such a scene we are not unfamipar, pfe is not uncommon, it seemed that pfe happiness and money has no inevitable relation.当然,这样的场景我们并不陌生,生活中并不鲜见,看起来生活幸福与金钱多少也并无必然的联系。

7.In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for a band to make money off an ancient bit of technology known colloquially as an "album. "20世纪50年代,乐队通过售卖一种被称为“专辑”的古老技术物事来挣钱的方式还不常见。

8.He had, withal, the invapd's apathy and did not greatly concern himself about the uncommon fate that had been allotted to him.此外,他和所有病人一样的冷漠,并不是非常关心自己不同寻常的命运。

9.Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his cpent is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity. "索科尔那位知名的代理律师对该报告内容提出辩驳,称他的客户是“一名罕见的正直廉洁之人”。

10.Laryngocele is an uncommon disease defined as an abnormal dilatation or herniation of the laryngeal saccule, forming an air-filled cavity.喉气囊肿是一种少见的疾病的异常扩张或球囊喉症的定义,形成一个充满空气腔。