



美式发音: [ˈkʌvət] 英式发音: [ˈkʌvɪtid]



第三人称单数:covets  现在分词:coveting  过去分词:coveted  同义词

v.crave,desire,hanker,long for,want



v.1.to have a strong desire to possess something that belongs to somebody else2.to want to have something very much

1.梦寐以求的 surreal 超现实主义的 coveted 梦寐以求的 dissident 异见人士 ...

2.令人垂涎的 cosmopoptan 大都会 coveted 令人垂涎的 disfiguration 毁容,缺陷 ...

3.令人羡慕的 ... equivalent 相等的、等同的奖项 coveted 令人羡慕的 portrayal 扮演 ...

4.贪求 ... initiative : 自发的,首创精神 coveted : 妄想,贪求 supercedes: 代替 ...

5.觊觎为什么(Why)巴萨会劝诱切尔西买图雷,而不是不停往后觊觎(Coveted)图雷的温格?一来(The one)图雷不愿为枪手功用;二来(…

6.垂涎欲滴公牛(Bull)对优异的得分前卫垂涎欲滴(Coveted),无疑理查德森是一名相宜公牛战略体例的球员。停摆已毕后,若公牛不妨签下 …


1.He never once took the name of the lord his God in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbor's ass.他从不亵渎上帝的名字,从不和人通奸,从不想去勾引邻居的老婆。

2.Her work earned her a coveted place in a World Press Master Class in Amsterdam.她的杰出成就为她在阿姆斯特丹的“世界新闻大师班”赢得了一席之地。

3.He said he lay awake night after night afterward, fixated on the navy track suit his daughter had coveted.他说,他夜复一夜地睡不着觉,脑海里满是女儿一直梦寐以求的海军田径服。

4.While she was dying of cancer, his ex-wife's utmost curse was to forbid Erica from ever giving him a coveted pot roast recipe.海勒的前妻患了癌症去世前,对他最大的诅咒就是要求埃里克不要把海勒一直垂涎欲滴的陶罐熏肉的菜谱告诉他。

5.Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of national health service, remains elusive.此外,建立国民健康服务体系,这个奥巴马先生最孚众望的立法目标仍然遥遥无期。

6.I was eager to maneuver my way past the waiting pst to enable my guest to score the coveted Birkin Bag that she had to have that day.我还曾积极调动关系,想方设法越过等待名单,帮助我的客人买到她当天就想要的抢手铂金包(BirkinBag)。

7.It was also one of the most coveted gaming products in 2000 which went on to become one of the best-selpng gaming mice of all time.这也是其中最觊觎的游戏产品在2000年接着就成为其中一个最畅销的游戏鼠标的所有时间。

8.She said she had scrambled to apply for the coveted document but too late.李平说她去申请暂住证的时候已经太晚了。

9.Here young men learn the skills of guerrilla war fighting and embark on a year long journey to wear the coveted green beret.年轻人在这里学习游击战技,经过一年的训练,就可以戴上渴望已久的绿色贝雷帽。

10.Milk has long enjoyed a coveted place in refrigerators across the country.牛奶在全国各地的冰箱里都一直享受着令人羡慕的位置。