



美式发音: [reɪn] 英式发音: [reɪn]




复数:reigns  现在分词:reigning  过去式:reigned  同义词


v.hold sway,govern,lead,administrate



v.1.掌握权力,统治,君临,支配 (over)2.称霸,有巨大势力3.盛行,大大流行,通行

n.1.the period of time when a king or queen rules a country2.a period of time during which a particular person, group, or thing is very important or a powerful influence

v.1.if a king or queen reigns, they officially rule a country2.to be very important, or to be a powerful influence at a particular time

1.统治 gallop: 飞奔,急忙 reigned: 统治,占优势 nil: 零 ...

2.在位 Family Tie 亲属关系 Reigned 在位 (Nickname) 姓名(俗称) ...

3.在位年份 ... Houses of United Kingdom 英国王室 Reigned 在位年份 Stuart 斯图亚特王室 ...

4.占优势 gallop: 飞奔,急忙 reigned: 统治,占优势 nil: 零 ...



1.He was the only one not in bondage to the law of sameness that reigned in that spellbound sleeping castle.不过他不愿意服从这座因着魔而陷入沉睡状态的古旧城堡里的一成不变的法则。

2.Several times a year, the calm world of the shrimp and algae would crackle and hiss and boil as calamity reigned for a few hours.一年有那么几次,让这个由小虾和藻类组成的平静世界产生几个小时的灾祸,噼啪作响、嘶嘶作声、沸腾起来。

3.In the seventh year of Jehu Jehoash began to reign; and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba.耶户第七年,约阿施登基,在耶路撒冷作王四十年。他母亲名叫西比亚,是别是巴人。

4.Manasses was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned five and fifty years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Haphsiba.默纳舍登极时才十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王五十五年,他的母亲名叫赫斐漆巴。

5.But the old-media monarch showed, one last time, that he still reigned: the world stopped for him for a few hours on June 25.但传统媒体(电台)的君主地位最后一次显示,他仍然有绝对统治力:世界在2009年6月25日因他停止转动若干小时。

6.And Zimri went in and smote him, and killed him, in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and reigned in his stead.心利就进去杀了他,篡了他的位。这是犹大王亚撒二十七年的事。

7.In an era where play makers still reigned supreme, Savicevic could rival the best of them for the range and variety of his passing.在一个组织者仍称雄绿茵场的年代,萨维切维奇能够跟他们中的最强手较量传球的范围和五花八门。

8.So researchers decided to see what would happen if they reigned in the immune response in mice that are prone to diabetes.因此科学家决定控制易得糖尿病的小鼠的免疫反应,看看会有什么结果。

9.Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, reigned as King of France for 72 years, longer than any other European monarch.路易十四亦被称为太阳王,统治了法兰西帝国72年之久,比任何一位欧洲君王都要久。

10.Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.你们已经饱足了,已经丰富了,不用我们,自己就作王了。我愿意你们果真作王,叫我们也得与你们一同作王。