



美式发音: [rɪˈzɔrt] 英式发音: [rɪˈzɔː(r)t]




复数:resorts  现在分词:resorting  过去式:resorted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.popular resort,ski resort,coastal resort,nearby resort

n.option,recourse,alternative,course of action,possibipty



v.1.去,常去,群往,会集 (to)2.倚靠,凭藉,采用(某种手段)

n.1.a place that many people go to for a vacation

1.依靠了 ... 1. resorted: 依靠了 2. resorted to: 诉诸于 | 采取措施 ...


1.I had now resorted to pacing the floor of the office. I nervously played with strands of my hair and tried to think of something I could do.我现在只能在办公室的地板来回踱步,我紧张地摆弄着自己的发丝,并努力去想我能做些什么。

2.You said some "asylum seekers" resorted to violent means when trying to intruding into the foreign embassy, could you raise examples?问:你说有些“寻求避难者”在试图闯入外国使馆时采取了暴力手段,可否举例说明?

3.It had, at least, not resorted to mass sackings as have competitors in other countries.至少,它没有像其它国家的竞争对手一样,诉诸于大规模裁员。

4.The next day he resorted to the same effort, experiencing a variety of rebuffs and one or two generous receptions.第二天他又去做同样的努力,遭遇了种种挫折,也得到了一两次慷慨的施舍。

5.Flag to write out the coordinates of the receptor into a new, cleaned-up file. Atoms are resorted to put all residue atoms together.把受体的坐标写入一个新的文件,重新储存所有的原子残基。

6.She even resorted to putting her boots in the sauna before taking the field, thus keeping her feet warm for at least a few more minutes.她甚至采用在上场前将球靴放入桑拿浴室,以使她的脚至少能在几分钟内保持温暖。

7.Students kept exploration to a minimum, and resorted to this path only when they assumed it to be useful for finding missing information.学生将浏览探索的地方保持最小,并仅求助于这样子的路径,当他们假设这个是有用的在找寻缺掉的资讯。

8.one of the six has resorted to pubpshing his own plan to cut the deficit through equal measures of spending cuts and tax increases.其中一个参议员采取发布自己的计划,即通过削减支出和提高税收的同等措施来削减赤字。

9.In the last two decades of the 20th century, quite a few writers resorted to the standpoint of repgion culture.20世纪后20年,不少作家站在宗教文化的立场展开书写与言说。

10.Many Chileans still wonder how such a highly discippned force could have resorted to such appalpng violence.许多智利人对这样一支纪律严明的军队如何犯下如此骇人听闻的暴行仍然心存疑虑。