


美式发音: ['kʌvɪ] 英式发音: ['kʌvɪ]






n.1.a small group of game birds such as partridge, grouse, or quail2.a small group of people or things

1.柯维 黄慧敏( Wong, Dona M.) 柯维( Covey, Stephen R.) 克劳福( Crawford, Matthew B.) ...

2.一群 coder 编码器;编码员 covey 一队;一群 cove 小湾;山凹;小峡谷 ...

3.科维 coder 编码器;编码员 covey 一队;一群 cove 小湾;山凹;小峡谷 ...

6.一套 ... coverage n. 所包括的范围;承保险别;新闻报道(范围) covey n. 一窝,一小群;一伙;一套 cowboy n. …

7.一伙 ... coverage n. 所包括的范围;承保险别;新闻报道(范围) covey n. 一窝,一小群;一伙;一套 cowboy n. …


1.They let me stumble about on the trails for a time before my clumsiness flushed a covey of doves from their rest.我笨拙的动作惊飞了一群窝里的鸽子,之后他们又任凭我在藤蔓上绊了一脚。

2.I did not see how he managed to covey the thin hair stretched tightly back over the skull without actually painting it.我没看见怎么他处理了头发最稀薄的地方,事实上他没有画。

3.Stephen Covey said, "Seek to understand first, then to be understood. "史蒂芬·柯维说:“先寻求理解别人,在寻求被人理解。”

4.I pken the Body Blueprint concept to Covey's "Sharpening the Saw" and continuous renewal through the "learn, commit, and do" upward spiral.我把身体蓝图概念比喻为Covey的“磨快锯子”和通过“学习,承诺,并且进行”上升螺旋线的连续的更新。

5.For me, a memorable piece of advice from Stephen Covey's classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is Begin with the end in mind.史蒂芬.凯威的经典之作《高效率人士的七个习惯》中有一个建议令我印象深刻。

6.But Allen thought Covey had made a mistake by starting with a personal or corporate mission before figuring out what steps to take.但是艾伦认为卡维犯了一个错误:卡维在想出行动步骤之前就开始描述个人或者公司的目标任务。

7.The early silence was broken only by the calls of a covey of quail crossing the lawn.只有草坪上飘来的几声鹌鹑的啼鸣打破清晨的寂静。

8.Point: Covey can attack the other side goal of the any in two goal or defend two goal of this team.要点:一队可以进攻对方两个球门中任何一个球门或防守本队的两个球门。

9.Covey Yani Qi said: "I am proud of Karadzic's visit, which he felt very at ease here, I feel very sad that he was arrested. "科维亚尼奇说:“我对卡拉季奇的光顾感到骄傲,这说明他在这里觉得很安心,我对他被捕感到很难过。”

10.Still , Stephen R. Covey's got milpons of fans who swear by his seminal book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People .凭借一部《高效能人士的七个习惯》,史蒂芬·柯维有了百万粉丝。