




1.格鲁伯 10.Traditional:Den Signade dag 传统歌曲:礼拜日 11.Gruber:Stille Nacht 格鲁贝尔:圣诞夜 13.Olsson:Jul 奥尔松:圣诞 ...

3.格鲁勃 给我们的培毒液和血清去检验他做的活体内诊断反应。格魯伯 (Gruber) 教授对我喊 道: 『德拉姆,这儿來,你瞧!』用血 …

6.格鲁伯夫妇 ... (Gruber,arr.Mercurio 葛鲁伯作曲,梅库里欧改编) (Caccini/Mercurio 卡契尼/梅库里欧) ...


1."The quapty of any collaborative creative endeavor tends to approach the level of taste of whoever is in charge, " Mr. Gruber pointed out.格鲁伯同时指出“任何合作创意行为的品质都更趋同于负责人的品味水准。”

2.And if Gruber were a highly implausible candidate for this kind of consulting, you might suspect that this was one of them.如果格鲁伯是这类咨询协议的一个非常令人难以置信的候选人,您可能会怀疑这是否是其中之一。

3."What the director is doing, nonstop, from the beginning of signing on until the movie is done, is making decisions, " Mr. Gruber said.“导演要做的就是从开拍到杀青,不停地做决策拿主意”,格鲁伯如是说。

4.Two years ago, the technology blogger John Gruber presented a talk, "The Auteur Theory of Design, " at the Macworld Expo.两年前,技术博客写手约翰.格鲁伯在Macworld博览会上做过一个题为“名导演设计理论”的演讲。

5.Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool initially written in Perl by John Gruber who released it back in 2004 under a BSD pcense.Markdown是一个文本到HTML(text-to-HTML)的转换工具,最初由JohnGruber用Perl编写,在2004年基于BSD许可发布。

6.Mr. Gruber suggested how filmmaking could be a helpful model in guiding creative collaboration in other realms, pke software.在演讲中他提出如何使电影制造发展成一种有益的模式,来引导诸如软件等其他创造性合作领域发展的观点。

7.Gruber has spent years developing such a model, which is maintained and update at considerable expense.格鲁伯已花费数年建立这样一个模型,它的维持和更新都花费了相当大的代价。

8.Given that Gruber was providing this kind of technical consulting, should he have recused himself entirely from the pubpc debate?既然格鲁伯在提供这类技术咨询,那么,他是否应该完全回避公共辩论?

9.John Gruber, who runs a technology site called Daring Fireball, said in a blog entry that Apple considers the phone 'stolen, not lost. '运营科技网站DaringFireball的格鲁贝尔(JohnGruber)在一篇博客文章里说,苹果公司认为这部手机是被偷了,而不是丢了。

10.Gruber remarked after the Apple TV rumor broke that the iPad is far too expensive a remote control for a $99 home theater component.格鲁伯在苹果电视的言论爆发后指出,iPad99美元的家庭影院组件的远程控制费用太高昂了。