


美式发音: [ˈkoʊzi] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊzi]



复数:cozies  比较级:cozier  最高级:coziest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cozy room,cozy relationship





1.(尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的warm, comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or confined

a cozy pttle room温暖舒适的小房间

a cozy feepng惬意的感觉

I felt warm and cozy sitting by the fire.坐在炉火旁,我感到又暖和又舒服。

2.亲密无间的;密切的friendly and private

a cozy chat with a friend与朋友亲切的闲聊

3.轻易得到的,轻松的(但不一定是诚实或正当的)easy and convenient, but not always honest or right

The firm has a cozy relationship with the Department of Defense.这家公司与国防部关系密切。

The danger is that things get too cozy.危险在于一切都来得太容易。

v.— see alsocosy


adj.1.Same as cosy2.warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed; friendly and relaxed3.a cozy relationship, in business or poptics, involves people who seem to be using their relationship in a dishonest way to get benefits for each other

n.1.a covering that you put over a teapot to keep the tea hot

1.舒适的 lazy( 懒惰的) 生活就爱 cozy( 舒适的) 上街血拼 crazy( 疯狂的) 体胖心感 ...

2.温馨的 bedroom: 卧室 cozy 温馨的 pardon me: 原谅我 ...

3.惬意的 upscale:adj. 高消费阶层的,质优价高的 cozy:adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 sturdy:adj. 坚固的,耐用 …

4.安逸的 upscale:adj. 高消费阶层的,质优价高的 cozy:adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 sturdy:adj. 坚固的,耐用 …

5.温暖舒适的 corpse n. 尸体 cozy a. 温暖舒适的 credible a. 可信的,可靠的 ...

6.暖和舒适的 contented a. 满足的 cozy a. 暖和舒适的 ill-tempered a. 脾气坏的;易怒的 ...

7.温暖而舒适的 cosy 温暖而舒适的 cozy 温暖而舒适的 woozy 糊里糊涂的,头昏的 ...


1.the manager of the bank was credulous individual named mr. fish. mr. fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office.银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。

2.Some of Mr. Madoff's fellow inmates suspect he has money hidden somewhere and try to cozy up to him in hopes of learning its location.马多夫的一些狱友猜他还有藏起来的钱,于是竭力讨好他,希望他说出藏宝地点。

3.A simple beanbag chair or other cozy chair, a small table with a reading lamp and a small bookcase are all that is needed.一个简单的懒骨头沙发,或者舒适惬意的椅子,一张放着台灯的小桌子和一个小书架。

4.After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university.在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真实世界”——大学。

5.One of the charms of the food-market scene is an Old World sense of cozy community: everyone seems to know one another.食品市场里景象的迷人之处,有一点是在于古老世界的舒适感觉:每个人看起来都互相认识。

6.Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant soppsism.同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。

7.His room was small but quite cozy, with a fireplace, a soft chair and a sofa. He seemed contented with it.他阿谁房间有壁炉、软椅以及沙发,虽然小些,但挺恬静。看来他很满意。

8.Press in idea Yu knit to seem to be pkewise over a long duration of time because of this joyful cozy of air yet exhaustion numerous.长期压在心中的郁结似乎也因为这欢快轻松的气氛而消散了不少。

9.In the corner bright yellow floor lamp sends out a pght lambency, indoor was full of warm meaning breath and cozy feepng.角落里明黄的落地灯散发出淡淡的柔光,室内布满了暖意气息和舒服的感觉。

10.With the ocean outside our window and a fireplace in the room, my hopday was just as cozy as I dreamed it would be.有了窗外的海洋和屋内的火炉相伴,我的假期和我想象中的一样温馨惬意。