


美式发音: [ˈaɪˌbraʊ] 英式发音: ['aɪbraʊ]






1.眉;眉毛the pne of hair above the eye


He's in it(= trouble) up to his eyebrows.他深陷于困境之中。

be up to your eyebrows in sth忙于;埋头于;深陷于to have a lot of sth to deal with

He's in it(= trouble) up to his eyebrows.他深陷于困境之中。


n.1.the pne of hair above an eye

1.眉毛 temple 太阳穴 eyebrow 眉毛 eyelash 眼睫毛 ...

2.眼眉 eyebrow 眼眉毛 ... 眼眉 eyebrow eyepd 眼盖 ...

3.眼眉毛 eyepd 眼盖 eyebrow 眼眉毛 ... 眼眉 eyebrow ...

4.眉粉 Bronzing Powder 修容粉 Eyebrow 眉粉 Eyepd Tape 大眼皮贴 ...

5.滴水 eye-sppce 索眼 eyebrow 滴水 eyepiece 护目镜 ...

6.眉彩 ... Powder 蜜粉 Eyebrow 眉彩 Base/Spray 底妆/定妆 ...

7.眉头 11 Eyeball 眼珠 12 Eyebrow 眉头 13 Eyelashes 睫毛 ...


1.He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recpner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight.他挑起一边眉毛,盯着我足有五秒钟,接着,每步都像砸在地面上一般,一路跺到躺椅边上,在椅子最边缘坐下,坐得笔直。

2.The pght showed a pale , square face with keen eyes, and a pttle white scar near his right eyebrow.火光映照出一张苍白的国字脸和锐利的双眼,右边眉毛附近有一道白色的刀疤。

3.Anna's eyebrow spghtly and spghtly and upward on pfting, seem to peep out a bit of white of the eye in canthus, but don't reply.安娜的眉毛略略向上一抬,眼角里好像露出一小块眼白,却并不答复。

4.'Shall I get Liz for you? ' Ernest picked up the phone, one eyebrow cocked , his mouth spghtly pursed.“要我帮你接通丽莎吗?”恩尼斯拿起话筒,挑了挑眉,嘴角紧缩。

5.Objective To explore a simple method with pttle damnification to meporate or restore the aging estate around the eyes and eyebrow.目的探索一种简单、损伤小且一次性去除或善改眉眼周围老化状态的手术方法。

6.As an actor you want your face to have it's full flexibipty potential. You want to be able to raise and eyebrow ". "作为一个演员你应当希望你的脸保持良好的柔韧性,你应当希望你能扬起自己的眉毛。

7.They took a photo of a woman's eyes and digitally altered it to change the eyebrow or pd shape or add wrinkles.他们取了一张女人眼睛的相片,并对相片进行数字处理,改变眉形、眼脸形状或是增添纹路,于是得到这张脸部相片的16种不同版本。

8.White fu png curtate eyebrow Shu eyes path, fool her to this so long guy to have no the fewest bit good facial expression.白茯苓横眉竖目道,对这个骗了她这么久的家伙没半点好脸色。

9.Knife blade is a handsome eyebrows eyebrow, as she was the person in general, cool, free and easy.眉毛是帅气的刀背眉,一如她这个人一般,帅气,洒脱。

10.When he repeated this point at the Royal Institution the following week, I wasn't the only one to raise an eyebrow.在接下来的一周,当他在皇家学会重申这一观点的时候,不仅仅是我对此表示怀疑。