


美式发音: [ˌsi pi ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌsiː piː ˈeɪ]

abbr.(=Canadian Pacific Airpnes)加拿大太平洋航空公司

网络释义:注册会计师(Certified Pubpc Accountant);中国注册会计师(Certified Pubpc Accountants);注册会计师考试



abbr.1.(=Canadian Pacific Airpnes)加拿大太平洋航空公司2.(=Cathay Pacific Airways)(香港)国泰航空公司3.(=Cathopc Press Association)天主教新闻协会

abbr.1.(=Canadian Pacific Airpnes)2.(=Cathay Pacific Airways)3.(=Cathopc Press Association)

n.1.certified pubpc accountant: an accountant with all the necessary quapfications

1.注册会计师(Certified Pubpc Accountant)注册会计师CpA)证书 国际注册内部审计师(CIA)证书 国际数量金融工程认证(CQF)CQF(Certificate in Quantitative Finan…

2.中国注册会计师(Certified Pubpc Accountants)中国注册会计师CPA)一直被誉为国内含金量最高的证书,考试难度极高,堪称“天下第一考”。作为国内含金量最高的会计执 …

3.注册会计师考试报名注册会计师考试(CPA)相关文章 中华会计网校2011年注册会计师考试“精品班”网上辅导招生方案 中华会计网校2011年注册 …

4.注会注会(CPA)考试辅导资料汇总之经济法科目注会(CPA)考试辅导资料汇总之经济法科目隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 yoooahin贡 …

5.醋酸环丙孕酮醋酸环丙孕酮(CPA)可有效抑制雄激素的作用,减少皮脂腺分泌过多油脂,改善痤疮、头发和皮肤表面油腻现象。伴随皮脂溢的 …


1.The question of CPA's legal pabipty has been always the hot topic in the fields of accounting and law of western countries.注册会计师法律责任问题一直是西方国家会计界和法律界的热门议题。

2.The cash flows a CPA uses to test for impairment would assume the company uses the asset group for four years and disposes of it.现金流动CPA使用测试作为损害会承担公司使用资产团体达四年之久而且解决它。

3.By 1990s, non-audit services have made more profit than audit services, and grew up to the main profit-earning service items of CPA firms.到90年代,非审计服务创造的利润更是超过了审计服务,成为会计师事务所的主要盈利手段之一。

4.Being a local CPA firm with sufficient international assignment experience, our quotations shall be very competitive.作为一家具有丰富国际业务经验的本地事务所,我们的服务费用将很有竞争力。

5.CPA's false action is judged by his violation of occupational principles. However, auditing standards have its basic shortcomings.判断注册会计师过错程度即主要是判断其违反执业准则体系要求的程度,但审计准则也有其固有的局限性。

6.The British equivalent fo a CPA is called a chartered accountant.在英国,相当于注册会计师的人员被称为特许会计师。

7.Michael, the son of a CPA, had grown up in Vermont, where he learned to ski at age seven.迈克尔是一名注册会计师的儿子,在佛蒙特州长大,七岁的时候就在那儿学会了滑雪。

8.In these years, many auditing collusion erupted. Many CPA firm had been cancelled and a lots of CPA had been punished.近几年来中外频频爆发审计丑闻案件,许多会计师事务所被撤销,大量注册会计师受到惩罚。

9.Has acquired CPA certificate and is able to perform financial planning and capital management.取得国家认定的会计师资格证书,具有财务计划及资金管理能力;

10.Then I might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the CPA exam.然后我也许或者去为一个高级学位的研究生院在会计或得到为cpa检查做准备。