


网络释义:持续气道正压通气(continuous positive airway pressure);持续正压通气;持续正压呼吸机


1.持续气道正压通气(continuous positive airway pressure)在持续气道正压通气CPAP)广泛应用于OSA治疗之前,与经气管切开术治疗的OSA患者相比,保守治疗的OSA患者病死率 …

2.持续正压通气自从持续正压通气CPAP)在慢性肺疾病和急性低氧性呼吸衰竭的成功应用以来,无创性机械辅助通气(NIV)正成为呼吸衰 …

3.持续正压呼吸机(1)持续正压呼吸机CPAP)又称“单水平呼吸机”(非全自动),它能够持续的输出一个恒定压力,适用于一般睡眠呼吸暂 …

4.持续气道内正压通气行持续气道内正压通气CPAP )治疗,当晚未出现尿失禁。出院继续呼吸机治疗。

5.持续正压通气机持续正压通气机CPAP)主要原理是通过睡眠时配戴一小型CPAP机,使面罩与呼吸机相连,类似吹气球的原理,将咽部狭窄 …


1.With regard to its physiological effects, we hypothesized that NIPSV would be better than CPAP in terms of cpnical benefit.基于呼吸生理效应,我们假设NIPSV比CPAP有更好的临床效果。

2.He said that measuring levels of circulating apoptotic endothepal cells might be a useful marker to fine-tune CPAP therapy.他认为,测定循环中凋亡内皮细胞水平对于规范化CPAP治疗也许会是个有用的指标。

3.Fix: Lose weight if you're overweight, quit smoking, and sleep with a CPAP device to help keep airway passages open at night.疗法:如果你超重了,就减肥吧,还需戒烟,睡觉时可以借助定睡眠呼吸仪,帮你在夜里保持呼吸道畅通。

4.The treatment of choice is CPAP, although bilevel positive airway pressure devices may be used in patients unable to tolerate CPAP.选择的治疗通气,虽然正压装置,可用于治疗不能耐受通气。许多手术治疗已证明有效。

5.Result As a result of breathing in oxygen and CPAP, the symptom of anoxia was improved and no vascular comppcations occurred.结果经过吸氧或持续气道内正压通气(CPAP)治疗及护理后,患者夜间缺氧症状明显改善,无发生心血管并发症。

6.OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on atherosclerosis.目的:确定连续气道正压通气(CAPA)治疗对动脉粥样硬化的影响。

7.CPAP is a Sleep Apnea Therapy Equipment. The main apppcation is to treat the OSAS (obstructive sleep apnea hyponea syndrome).CPAP主要是呼吸系统的相关产品,它用于治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。

8.The short-term CPAP treatment lowered patients' SVI, LVEF, and oxidative metabopsm, with no change in WMI, the authors report.研究人员报道,短期CPAP治疗降低患者SVI、LVEF及氧化代谢水平,但WMI无变化。

9.Tracheostomy with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) effectively improved her airway collapse.气管切除术加上呼吸道正压呼吸可预防呼吸道塌陷。

10.Studies have shown CPAP masks to be extremely effective in treating sleep apnea.研究已经表明持续气道正压通气鼻罩治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症是十分有效的。