


美式发音: [ˈemprɪs] 英式发音: [ˈemprəs]



复数:empresses  同义词反义词


n.ruler,tsarina,sovereign,queen,head of state



1.女皇a woman who is the ruler of an empire

the Empress of Egypt埃及女皇

2.皇后the wife of an emperor


n.1.a woman who rules an empire or who is married to an emperor

1.皇后 2女祭司 high priestess 3皇后 Empress 4皇帝 Emperor ...

2.女皇 印记 Empreinte 女皇 Empress 伊娃之爱 EVAmour ...

3.女皇帝 electrical apppance 电器 167. Empress 女皇帝 168. enemy 敌人 169. ...

4.女帝 Emperor 皇帝 Empress 女帝 Wheel of Fortune 命运的车轮 ...

5.正宫 正割〖 secant〗 正宫empress〗 正骨〖 bonesetting〗 ...

6.挚爱女皇 BabyColor•Lovely 人气巨目 800 BabyColor•Empress 挚爱女皇 800 BabyColor•SuperHoney 大哈妮 800 ...

7.女性的皇帝 [a daughter] 指女儿。 [empress] 女性的皇帝。 [the bride’s side;the wife’s family] 婚姻关系中女方的娘家。 ...


1.Mr. ZHU: (Through Translator) His great-grandfather told him he'd see a eunuch coming out of the Empress Dowager's room carrying a bowl.朱诚如先生:启光的曾祖父告诉他,他看见一个太监拿着一个碗从慈禧太后的房间中走出。

2.His own first experience of the ocean was as a teenager in 1963 aboard the pner "Empress of Britain" ; Liverpool to Montreal in seven days.他和海洋的第一次“亲密接触”是在1963年十几岁的时候,当时他搭乘从利物浦到蒙特利尔为期7天的“英国女皇”号班轮。

3.One day on his way to the Kunlun Mountain to call on friends, he ran upon the Empress of Heaven Wangmu who was passing by.一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此经过的王母娘娘,王母娘娘送给他一包长生不老药。

4.A few people along the tunnel to a secret location, was surprised to see that the Emperor Empress Wu.几个人顺着隧道来到一处秘密所在,惊讶地见到了皇上武则天。

5.At this point the Empress, with her trembpng head and fixed smile, entered followed by Nicholas.此时的皇后,她在发抖固定头微笑,然后进入尼古拉。

6.During the early years of his reign, he was largely aided by his grandmother, the Grand Empress Dowager, Xiaozhuang.在他统治的初期,他在很大程度上是得益于他的祖母,太皇太后孝庄。

7.' "That's nothing, " Ostap said softly. "What's a horseshoe? For you I could forge out of this very same steel a jewel fit for an empress. "“这算不了什么,”奥斯塔普慢声细语地说,“不就是个马掌吗?我可以用同样的一块铁为你打造一个宝贝,配得上皇后的。”

8.After Mass he went to the empress and spent a few minutes in the bosom of his family, joking with the children and his wife.他来到大众后,花几分钟皇后的怀抱家人与妻子和孩子说笑。

9.Although his mother was the Empress Dowager, she was so nervous about this that she could never sleep in peace.他的母亲虽贵为皇太后,却是每天提心吊胆,不能安枕。

10.The Empress took one spoonful of the lotion once daily, used one wine-cup of it to wash her face, and one teacup of it in her bath.她每天要内服此方一茶勺,每次洗面都要加一酒盅,每次沐浴都要加一茶杯。