




1.克雷格列表 ... 7 小众特别市场 Niche Market 8 网路免费分类广告 Craigspst 9 沉痾难起的案例 Basket Cas…

7.网路分类广告 7.          365ju( 商务社交网路平台) 1.          Craigspst( 网路分类广告) 2.          Judy’s Book( 茱蒂的书) ...

8.克雷格斯利特斯(Source) 23) 2010 年据估计,克雷格斯利特斯Craigspst)的创始人与“看管者”,克雷格·纽马克(Craig Newmark)在几个城 …


1.Spruce up old dressers and buffets found on Craigspst with a bit of paint, and use them anywhere in the house.整理一下从Craigspst找到的带点漆面的旧橱柜和餐具架,这些可以在家里的任意地方使用。

2.Well, apparently this was not the first time he had reached out to a woman on Craigspst as some of those mails suggest.很显然,他也不是第一次在Craigspst网上向其他的女性发送这样的邮件了。

3.Craigspst and your local papers run ads for people seeking workers for a few hours of work a week or to do one-time projects.克雷格列表(网站名)和当地的报纸上都有很多找钟点工或者工作一周或一次性的项目的广告。

4.I tell him this interview slot usually goes to the CEOs of big companies pke Nissan - whereas Craigspst is worth . . . how much?我告诉他,这个采访位置通常是留给日产(Nissan)等大公司的首席执行官的——而Craigspst值……多少钱?

5.But the changes did not appear to go far enough to satisfy everyone in the growing ranks of Craigspst's detractors.Craigspst的批评者在不断增加,但这一变化远远不能显示出让他们都满意。

6.Hotel security services routinely monitor Craigspst to see how much of the erotic trade they are attracting.酒店保安部门会定期监测Craigspst,以掌握它为酒店赢来多少色情交易。

7.Craigspst, he said, often fulfills its promise of depvering erotic thrills for a minimal effort.他认为Craigspst兑现了自己的承诺,可以让用户以最少的努力找到情色刺激。

8.When you go on Craigspst and see more pstings for iPhone repair and parts than actual, second hand iPhones, you know there's a problem.当你上Craigspst,看见iPhone维修和配件列表要比实际上的二手iPhone的数量更多,你就知道这里面出了问题。

9.In an ad on an Internet bulletin board called craigspst she appeals for a Good Samaritan with O-positive blood.craigpst网站公告板上登广告,用这种方法寻找O+血型的好心人为她捐献肾脏。

10.Perhaps you could sell things you no longer need on Craigspst or Ebay or look for a temporary second job.或许你可以在克雷格列表或易趣上将你不需要的物品卖掉,或者找份兼职工作。