



1.It could be as simple as walking over to your colleague's desk or to the water cooler.操作起来很简单:离开座位,走到同事的办公桌旁边或者饮水机旁边。

2.Television executives have long endeavoured to create "water-cooler" shows which people will talk about at work the next day.电视主管长期致力于“水冷器”一般的节目,让人们在第二天的工作中继续谈论。

3.He would notify colleagues before he stepped out to the water cooler.他出去到冷水机前都会告诉同事。

4.Don't break the news at a water cooler. Ask your boss for a few private words, or invite her for lunch.不要在茶水间公开消息,请求和领导私人谈话的时间,或者邀请领导一起共进午餐。

5.If friendly water-cooler chitchat is turning into an emotionally charged interrogation , bow out of the conversation gracefully.如果友善的办公室闲聊变成了情绪激动的审讯,那就礼貌的结束这次谈话。

6.Even if you can only spare five minutes, go for a walk (it might just be to the water cooler and back).尽管你只有五分钟的休息时间,去散散步(哪怕只是走到饮水机旁然后回来)。

7.Estabpsh a "virtual water cooler" by way of instant messaging, team rooms, or other collaboration mechanisms.建立“虚拟饮水机”(通过即时消息)、团队房间,或其他协作机制。

8.So "water cooler chitchat" has come to refer to all types of informal communication that take place at the office.所以“饮水冷却器旁的闲谈”现在泛指在办公室中的各种非正式交流。

9.During an ordinary water-cooler conversation, Kip's coworker Theresa confided tragic details about her sequence of abusive boyfriends.一次在饮水机旁普通的谈话中,Kip的同事Theresa将其虐待型男友们一个个悲惨细节倾述出来。

10.During a break, you head to the water cooler and the same colleagues pull you into a conversation about the latest office gossip.休息的间隙,你走到饮水机前,你的同事们和你谈起了最新的办公室故事。